
Thursday, September 10, 2020

Wealthy Manhattan woman arrested by police for rioting, causing over $100,000 in damage

New York City Police arrested the 20-year-old daughter of a wealthy Upper East Side family for causing property damage in a riot organized by an Antifa-affiliated and a black supremacist group in the city on Friday. The damage totaled over $100,000.


  1. Children of comfortably well-off professionals engaged in violent illegal activities creating civil unrest with ultimate goal of destroying the United States? Sounds like the Weather Underground.

    Don't just fixate on this Clara Kraebber person (goddamn Germans?) in isolation, have a look at the other spawn-of-wealthy-people engaged in the same activities. This really *IS* like the New Weather Underground.

  2. Clara Kraebber appears to have the genetic disorder known as 'Wilson Syndrome', characterized by distinctive face features.

  3. The article to me reads like Clara was wanting to do some mudsharkin'


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