
Tuesday, October 13, 2020

A couple videos on ATF's ruling on the Honey Badger AR pistol

The ATF Has Declared The Honey Badger AR Pistol Is Now A SBR! 
mrgunsngear Channel VIDEO HERE (14 minutes) 

Creator of Honey Badger talks ATF's Arbitrary Determination on Honey Badger Pistol 
Colion Noir VIDEO HERE (21 minutes)


  1. Ya know the whole thing is completely fucked up, not surprisingly, but still WTF? I know a few years ago the aTf sent letters when you bought a “braced”gun it was completely legal and not a SBR or a SBS. Now? Fuck them and their flip floppy mandates.

  2. according to the vcdl, this has been elevated to the white house, so this is not likely to stand.

  3. #1 I think the ATF rules on SBRs are ridiculous and nonsense.
    #2 The "brace" for AR pistol style guns are 100% intended to circumvent the SBR laws.

  4. The pro gun group Gun Owner's of America (GOA) has a form letter for sending to the White House to "ask" the president to reign in the ATF on this issue.

    (Use your your never-Trumper cousin's name and address to send a second letter. :D )


  5. It will only be a matter of time before they go after all of us folks who bought the Mossberg Shockwave or Remington TAC-14. Plan accordingly.

    1. The difference is the "pistol brace" on AR pistols can be and often is used as a shoulder stock. I see it all the time at the range, and even in some videos. Not long ago Kenny posted a video about sighting in a carbine in which the guy used the brace as a shoulder stock. I'm actually surprised the ATF hasn't classified ARs with braces as SBRs before now.
      I have a Shockwave and it's impossible to use the bird's head grip as a shoulder stock. Without a shoulder stock it probably can't be classified as a short barreled shotgun but they may try to call it a destructive device since the bore is larger than half inch, or an AOW (any other weapon).
      If they do, installing an 18" barrel makes it a legal M590.

    2. This.

      Shoulda bought one when they were reasonably priced.

  6. I hear it was two rouge anti gunners at the aTF.

    1. You're correct. field agents at that, offering nothing more than a "opinion".
      For what it's worth, our liberty and market(s) would be better off having had the ATF and NFA wholly abolished .


    2. Only Two? Word that I have heard on the ATF for the past 25 years is they are all fucking commie anti-gunners. But who am I to get in front of an army of gestapo?

    3. 'Two rogue anti-gunners...'

      'Two rouge anti-gunners' translates as 'two red anti-gunners.' Well, that works, too.


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