
Friday, October 02, 2020


GREENVILLE, S.C. – For seven years, Sallie Gregory Hammett took her golden retriever, Charlie, everywhere with her: to work, to run errands, tailgating at Clemson games. They were inseparable.

"Everyone who knew me, knew Charlie," Hammett said. 

When Hammett adopted Charlie, she was 23, single and living in a brand new city. She was looking for a "right-hand man," which Charlie quickly became, Hammett said. 

"He was just the happiest dog," she said. "He had a lot of personality." 


  1. WGAF? It a damn DOG. I have had to put down several. IT IS JUST A DOG. STFU and move on.

    1. Can we agree different people can have different experiences?

  2. willford, I feel sorry for you.
    Maybe just a dog to you, but dogs are much more to many of us.
    Sucks to be you!

  3. I wouldn't be surprised if Willford is the type who keeps his dogs outside, barking and howling at everything.

    Some people don't deserve dogs.

  4. Wilford, you are one of the reason I like my dog more than most people. You deserve to be a miserable fuck.

  5. Used to read about gun dog training on the webz. One commenter always had the statement at the bottom of his reply.
    "There's a reason I like dogs better than people".
    He was a very knowledgeable trainer and I always chuckled when I read it and agreed.


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