
Monday, October 26, 2020

Bracing for a Dark Winter

The federal government carried out Operation Dark Winter in June 2001, a simulation exercise focused on how to respond to a covert biological attack using a super-strain of smallpox from an unknown source. It involved draconian lockdowns, rioting in the streets, and military intervention to quell the chaos. You can read about it in an article that appeared earlier this year in the elitist magazine Foreign Policy titled America’s Pandemic War Games Don’t End Well. The magazine admits the current coronavirus pandemic “bears an eerie resemblance to the simulation.” 

The Foreign Policy article on Operation Dark Winter ends by planting an ominous seed in readers’ minds. 


  1. A bunch of my neighbors listed there . I'm writing down the addresses and riding over to each one and warn them. Around these hills they most likely are 2nd amendment active though .

  2. These candy-assed idiots talk big but when it comes down to a battle they'll run home to mama's basement.

    1. Those candy-assed idiots are adherents to an ideology followed by millions of other candy-assed idiots who have killed more people than just about any other group of people in history (other than maybe Islam).

      And their goal is mass-murder, not a battle. The former plays to their strengths; the latter doesn't.

      Think of them as army ants - individually, not much of a threat, but in numbers, a different story.

  3. These shutdown DC folks think that they can actually FORCE an outcome to their liking. They think that President Trump, when re-elected, is going to put up with more leftist bbbooolllssshhhiiittt. I can't wait to see these pissants crushed like they should have been earlier this year. They think they're going to unleash hell on the rest of the country. I got news. They have no idea what hell looks like, but they'll see it if/when they start this bullshit. Heh. I'm looking forward to seeing the 6 o'clock news showing them bloody, bruised and crying for their mommies.


  4. Our government is corrupt to the core due to the Global banking cartel aka Globalist. You cannot polish a turd, you cannot replace a hornet’s nest with better, nicer, understanding hornets. The very foundation of our country,( see
    Constitution) is gone, shot out, no mas, and when that happens it’s time to demo and start again with a new foundation( see Constitution). This life of freedom and Liberty that once was must be won with the blood of Patriots, they knew it then and some of us know it now. Until that happens its pretty much a slow swirl down the old shitter. I aint no spring chicken but I am game, somethings are more important than living to 90. Last week to top off yer shit, I’m thinking. Don’t lose!

  5. The guys from china said the same thing while talking about Hunter and the influence peddalling. Said it will be a dark winter that will engulf the whole world. look up Hunter Biden on brighteon. It's about to get sporty.


  6. Replies
    1. Not likely. More like bill gates, who patented it months before it existed.

  7. Those that want war do not know war those that know what do not want war. Blood that is spilled is a sacrifice to the lover's of war and it is a terrible thing to easy to those that know how precious it is.

  8. "You cannot qualify war in harsher terms than I will. War is cruelty, and you cannot refine it; and those who brought war into our country deserve all the curses and maledictions a people can pour out." William T. Sherman


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