
Thursday, October 15, 2020

Can't say you weren't warned

Project Veritas has released video of a Colorado Democrat operative and “prominent member” of a radical leftist organization, revealing the violent and potentially murderous plans of the militant left should President Trump win a second term in office. 

Kris Jacks, a trainer and mentor at Our Revolution protests and a member of the executive committee of the Colorado Democratic Party, made it clear that he will do “everything morally acceptable” to prevent Trump’s reelection this year. 


  1. And his statement "...he will do “everything morally acceptable”..." now beggars the question, "What are his 'morals'? My best guess is that it ain't live-and-let-live. We have been warned.

    I want to be around when his masters turn on him and he discovers he was just an useful idiot.

  2. Mouthy prick, isn't he?

  3. Even if it goes full boogaloo starting tonight, my money is on diabetes killing that fat fuck before a patriot turns him into a Good Revolutionary.

  4. To quote the great Pepe Le Pew: "Le gasp!"

  5. White pages has an address:
    4326 W 31st St
    Greeley, CO 80634

  6. The left has no morals....never has. They only have one rule.....WIN. and ANYTHING that serves that agenda is acceptable to them

    1. actually the One Rule is TAKE, but for the time being they will use WIN. WINNIng by cheating the vote is TAKING, not Winning

  7. These idiots who call for violence if they don't get their way are comical. They don't have a clue as to how identifiable and locatable they are, as the anon above noted. They don't seem to grasp that if the threaten people with violence, when push comes to shove, they will be the first targets. Hypothetically speaking, of course.

  8. Riffing off Elmo here, I wonder if his mouth can stop 165 grains of .40 S&W moving ~ 1100 ft/sec...

  9. Those that want dealth have never seen it and those that have seen it don't want it.

  10. The left has no morals. This guy does scare me. And it should scare anyone who has studied any Communist Revolution. When the shooting starts, they will kill whoever, however, and whenever if it advances the cause. That includes their family, their friends, and their colleagues. I cannot, morally, say the same. I am at a disadvantage. Morally I accept that, with God as my judge. Realistically, it scares the s---t out of me.

  11. I gotta wonder where in the purple headed fck is the FBI? These dudes don't seem that hard to track down, do they?

    I know. It's a rhetorical question. Hell, they are probably in on it.

    1. Considering what the FBI did to Trump...there you go.

  12. "I gotta wonder where in the purple headed fck is the FBI?"

    Like as not, "losing" a truckload of weapons in the guy's garage.


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