
Monday, October 12, 2020

Fucking Mondays.....













  1. 9) We get that all the time at our house. It's usually a Mourning or White Wing Dove but one time a full grown Red Tail Hawk slammed into the the window chasing another bird. He was moving fast and I don't know how the window didn't break. It was very loud. He fell on the back porch unconscious but came to, sorted himself out, and flew off.

  2. #3 is a Met so no harm done.

  3. re. #10 Family lore tells about a great uncle who was splitting kindling when he was bit on the finger by a rattlesnake in the woodpile. He dispatched the snake, presumably after identifying it, then placed his hand on the chopping block and removed the finger, then wrapped the wound with a handkerchief, and carried in the kindling for his mother's morning cooking.

    1. My uncle was a lifer in the Army, who saw time in both Korea and in Vietnam. I cannot remember for certain which country it was that he told me of a fellow soldier who was bitten on the thumb by a cobra. It seems that there were monkeys that ran around in the camp, and the guy, while sleeping, had what he thought was a monkey on his chest, which he pushed off, and instead, it was a Cobra, and bit him, on the thumb. The guy grabbed a machete and lopped off his thumb.
      Now, my uncle was a really great guy, I loved to listen to his stories of the various countries he was stationed in. I have one cousin who was born in Turkey. But since I was probably about 14 years old, he might have been shining me on. Okay, he might have been lying. But it was one of the stories that I remember him telling me.
      He had lung trouble after his time in Vietnam, which my dad and him both said was related to Agent Orange, which had traces of dioxin in it. Dioxin was the most toxic chemical agent known to mankind, at the time. The thing is, he was along time smoker, as well. So when he ended up getting lung cancer, which killed him, there was no way to know the cause for certain.
      I live in Michigan, and we only have one poisonous snake, the Eastern Massasauga Rattlesnake. I have only seen one in my life here, but the google search I did says that there are 1-2 cases of people being bitten every year. They tend to be very shy, and are protected in Michigan.


    2. Yep. He was just that scared of Mama.

  4. #9 - that dustprint on the glass rings a bell for me. I hit a turkey buzzard when I was going 75mph. Flew right into me. Left a dustprint just like that on my hood.

  5. #3 is why coach told us to always wear a cup...

  6. #3 is why coach told us to always wear a cup...

  7. #'s 1 and 2: Not to worry, that'll buff right out.


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