
Thursday, October 22, 2020

In rule change, Trump and Biden will have mics cut off in Thursday’s debate while opponent speaks

President Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden will have their microphones cut off in Thursday’s debate while their rival delivers their opening two-minute answer to each of the debate topics. 

The 90-minute debate is divided into six 15-minute segments, with each candidate granted two minutes to deliver uninterrupted remarks before proceeding to an open debate. The open discussion portion of the debate will not feature a mute button, but interruptions by either candidate will count toward their time in the second and final debate Thursday. 


  1. Only person on that stage with access to a mute button oughta be Trump, so he can stifle the biased moderator.

  2. Honestly, not a bad thing, esp. for Trump.

    When he interrupts like he does, he REALLY turns off a lot of people. Though I'm from NY and am guilty of going into bulldog mode like that sometimes myself, he woumd do far better to act more polite at things like Presidential debates. I like what he's doing, wish he'd go further! But he is exemplifying what people hate about New Yorkers, and its hurting his image, IMO.

    1. So, you're saying Trump shouldn't be the brash, straight talking, pull no punches NY business man that got him elected in 2016? Trump is a bare knuckled brawler in debates and you want to take that away from him? R U serious?


    2. Rush Limbaugh was giving Trump some good pointers today,along those same issues.

      Rush's cancer treatments aren't working. He is again terminal. And i believe he is telling some secrets. I think it was Monday, he was telling about the top commies who really rule the world. One family in France he said is worth a Quadtrillion dollars, whatever that is. He named a few names. Maybe if he knows he is going "out" he is going down telling everything he knows about our enemy.

  3. Trump’s been making flash cards to hold up while muted all day saying, “where’s Crackhead?”

  4. Trump should keep addressing Biden as “The Big Guy”

  5. I don't think Biden can go two minutes without a gaffe or vapor-locking.

  6. When I was in Jr. High in 70's we would have said "that's pussy". That meant it was cheap and weak.
    This is "Pussy"


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