
Friday, October 02, 2020

Like there's a shortage of mountain lions in California...

California is restricting the use of a certain type of rat poison that poses a threat to mountain lions and other wildlife under a bill signed into law Tuesday by Gov. Gavin Newsom. 

The California Ecosystems Protection Act (AB 1788) prohibits the use of second-generation anticoagulant rodenticides until the state’s pesticide regulation chief can certify they’re being used in a manner that reduces the threat to wildlife. 


  1. I'm guessing "second generation anti-coagulant" is warfarin. I could understand banning poison bait that is is intended to target predator animals, but ALL rat poison? That isn't going to work since people can buy it over state borders.

    Poisons usually kill all kinds of non-target life all the way up the chain. Rat poison can be "illegally" mixed in with other baits as a work around to government incompetence, which is probably what California is trying to stop, rather than fixing the problem.

    I would love some 1080 which color codes the fat blue, better yet, some sodium nitrite poison which is entirely harmless to everything except hogs. People eat sodium nitrite every day in meat products, non-target animals would be fine. Been available for years in OZ/NZ but the USA ignores all the data and wants to it's own, putting viable solutions years away.


  2. What about sending all the cougars in LA out to the woods?

  3. You can buy sodium nitrite easily enough in the USA if you want...

  4. Isn't sodium nitrite sold for curing bacon. I think it is used with the curing but is the preservative.


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