
Friday, October 16, 2020

Man convicted in murder, cannibalism case sentenced to life

JEFFERSONVILLE, Ind. (WAVE) - The man convicted of killing his ex-girlfriend and eating parts of her body has been sentenced to spend the rest of his life behind bars. 

Joseph Oberhansley, 36, learned his sentence for the September 11, 2014 murder of Tammy Jo Blanton this afternoon in Clark Circuit Court. He was convicted on Sept. 18 on murder and burglary charges but was found not guilty of rape. 


  1. I think he took the "eat your girlfriend" thing a little too seriously.

  2. He should have put some hot sauce on her, then maybe the “ 2 black guys” defense would be believable.

  3. I'm starting to wonder just what it takes to get the death penalty these days.

  4. Must be something in the Jeffersonville water. I lost a nephew and his wife and their tiny baby when a drug dealer mistook his apartment for another double-crossed dealer and set it on fire. Burned the 3 up. This fucker is sitting in prison for life; no death penalty there either.

  5. What "parts" did he eat? Did he eat them raw, or did he prepare them? Maybe with a little humandase sauce? Some shaky pudding on the side? Tits-A-La Mode?


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