
Tuesday, October 06, 2020

Maybe we should start a GoFundMe account for them

Not long ago, a couple I know told my wife and me they were thinking about leaving the country should President Donald Trump be reelected on Nov. 3. But over Rosh Hashanah dinner on Sept. 18 that idea went from theoretical to serious given the sudden death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg. 

The mixture of her passing — and what it might portend for a host of issues they care about such as LGBTQ rights — combined with the polarized nature of our politics today, was a bridge too far. So now they are stepping up the process of looking for a new country to call home. High on their list of places to go: Canada, Australia and New Zealand. 


  1. I'm in. I'll chip in monthly to get these pseudo elite to leave!

  2. And the pussy suspended comments on his whinefest

  3. Maybe they ought to try Israel. Probably would find fault with Netanyahu also. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out. And good riddance.

    1. So they fucked up America and now you want them to fuck up the Holy Land too?

      Of course they'll find fault with Netanyahu, he's a conservative who keeps getting re-elected!

  4. The more of these socialist bastards leave the more free I feel.

  5. I don't know about a Gofundme, but I'd be happy to kick them in the ass to get them started!

  6. "Thank God and Greyhound they're gone. That load on my mind got lighter when they got on........"

  7. I would gladly give them a ride to the airport.

  8. Well, if you fear persecution from the government, join the club. I'm not afraid of Donald Trump though - I'm looking at our government officials who had no problem attempting to connect him to criminal activities and when that didn't pan out, change the scope of investigation to make it as if he did.

    IF the reporter that wrote this thinks Donald Trump will make us fascist, he is mistaken. It is the Left who adopts Fascism.

  9. Oh fer fuck's sake. We've enough of these type up here already in Canada. Go away. We're full.

  10. I'll be happy to purchase a ticket for him, no matter where he wishes to go, with two conditions attached:
    1. He stays in that country for a minimum of twenty-five years, never to return for any length of time for any reason whatever to the USA.
    2. My choice of ticket class.

    1. Me too, but I want 35 years. I will be a hundred if I live that long.

  11. Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out.

  12. Unfortunately these whiny cocksuckers aren't going anywhere. No matter what they say.

  13. Please stop sending your idiot leftists to Canada. I have enough trouble dealing with the usual hosers up here.

  14. Funny how these people always choose Western countries like Canada, New Zealand, and Australia.

    1. That's cause they're racist, and figure those english-speaking countries are still mostly white.

  15. "Rosh Hashanah"
    Why not move/emigrate to Israel?
    Stop the Mental Masturbation! Pack what you want to take, sell the rest, move your ass now!
    You can always go into a 14-45 day quarantine at your new country. Easy Peasy! Leave already!

    1. They've already done enough damage. Now you want them to fuck up Israel too?

  16. NZ doesn't want them, either...

  17. Do it sooner - not later

  18. You know most of these people are going to Guantanamo.

    When I say pedovores I mean exactly that.

    Steve in KY

  19. Don't send them to Oz. We have way too many of their type here already. If they are so keen on socialist policies they should go to NorK, Venezuela or Cuba.

  20. He ain't leaving just like the first time trump got elected all those celebs that said they were going to canada but not a one left a bunch of liars

  21. Give them a 5.56 freedom pill!!! Works every time.


    1. Amen on that Brother...It was good to finally be able to shake your hand...

  22. You notice when these clowns talk about Trump and his 'authoritarianism' and his 'contempt for certain minorities' they never give any concrete examples, just vague assertions. That's the way it is with the left, just grumblings about Trump this and Trump that or awful conservatives but never anything specific that will actually hold water. In the off instance they do cite something it will be some ridiculous caricature of something he did or said. It's no different with this idiot: no details, just accusations. I think these people should be strongly encouraged to decamp and head far, far away. I'd pay good money to help them if I thought they'd really stay away.

  23. They can follow in the notorious RBVG's footsteps. Back in 2016, RBG promised to leave the country if Trump was elected, along with a bunch of other cry baby Demonrats. We should be so lucky that all of these Trump haters do us a favor.


  24. Boring! Same empty threat to leave the country if (blank) is elected or re-elected. Same none action. To borrow a line by Tuco from The Good The Bad and The Ugly: "If you're going to leave, leave. Don't talk". There is not a one that I would miss if they left the country. Since I live here in the glorious democratic socialist (corrupt) republic of Mogadishu on the Mississippi with a man-child as mayor and a mostly worthless Governor, Lion King comes to mind: "I'm surrounded by idiots".

  25. I'll kick in 5 buck to get them the hell outa Dodge.


  26. I have a truck and two strong arms, just let me know when and were and I'll be more than happy to help them pack and cart their shit to the nearest port. One thing they probably check first is the immigration laws where the want to go I think they'll find that they aren't as lax as the good old U.S.A. I have had many people tell me they were leaving and going to Canada I love informing these assholes that the land to the north won't touch them with a ten foot pole, they have no marketable skills or talents and even if they have money they don't have enough.

  27. Speaking as an Australian and speaking for no one else but me, your friends should move to New Zealand.
    It is full of similarly minded people, sheep rooters and basket weaving bourgeois.
    It also piss pours with rain and is a miserable, damp and depressing place to live.
    This is why most of them live in Australia.
    I think your friends deserve it.

  28. Not. A. Single. One of them ever say they are going to move to Africa so they can embrace "black lives matter" or contribute to bringing up the black Africans to a higher standard of living. Not a single one. Of course, they are lying about even leaving the USA, anyway.

  29. How about Sweden... I could switch country with them...

  30. A GoFundMe account is an idea, sure. But what's wrong with just snuffing them, burying them deep in a National Park somewhere, and just telling everyone that they moved to New Zealand?

  31. I'll bet they don't renounce their citizenship though.

  32. I'll bet they don't renounce their citizenship though.

  33. Geez.. I am a bit late to vent my spleen on this one,it seems! But what I will say is, NO F Way! For Christs sake! We have far too many of the F wits in our once great "lucky country" all ready. Tell them to go to some great family loving egalitarian muslim shithole. WE DO NOT WANT ANY MORE OF THEM DOWN UNDER.

  34. In the words of Curly Bill Brocious, well, Bye!


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