
Friday, October 16, 2020

More than 550 guns stolen from vehicles so far this year in Nashville

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (WZTV) — Metro Police said more than 550 guns have been stolen from vehicles in Nashville so far this year. 

Just last week, police said 21 guns were stolen from vehicles and 8 of those vehicles were easy targets as they were unlocked. 


  1. I guess if ya don't have a boat, then having a tragic boating accident is hard to explain..
    Probably gonna be a rise in all kinds of Gun Loss events..

    1. Boat sank with all my gear and last wife.

  2. That's new, normally I just lose mine in boating accidents...

  3. I live up in the mountains in NE TN. My driveway is over a 1000 yards from a one lane road and a cattle gate with a chain and lock block the entrance. I gotta 90lb german shepherd and surveillance cameras over the entire housing area and I take my pistol out of my LOCKED truck every fucking night along with the keys to every other motorized piece of equipment on property. The probability of thievery is slim, but never zero. I operate on the theory that IF someone climbs my gate and comes up here, then they have the mindset to go the distance to achieve whatever their immediate dumbass goal is and that gives me Carta Blanche.

    1. I assume you have 40 acres and a back-hoe...

    2. Over 40 and a Kubota, roger that Flea Master

  4. No guns allowed so you have to leave the gun in the car. Criminals have learned to hang out and watch. How about a new law? Any place that doesn't allow guns must provide a safe at their entrance.

  5. Hey Wirecutter;

    To those douchebags that leave their cars unlocked...fuck you. To others, O wonder if having to leave their guns in the carws because of the policies of the establishments that they are visiting may be a factor. You can't bring it with you so you HAVE to leave it in the car. There are times I have to leave my gun in the car and I hate doing that because of some pussy policies that the business or .gov building has. Either that or leave the gun at home and be unarmed all the time.

    1. I applied for a job at UPS a long time back. They had a No Gun policy, not even in the parking lot in a locked car. Of course, there were no guards I ever saw in the parking lot. I would have broken that chickenshit rule every working day, if they'd hired me.

  6. So much for all those massive gun registration data bases.


    1. We don't register our guns in Tennessee and private sales don't have to go through an FFL holder. Hell, I've sold an AR and a handgun at 2 different yard sales since we've been here.

    2. Nah. They’ll just prosecute you as an accessory if the catch the guy who did a crime with your gun. Maybe even hit you with the “conspiracy” charge.

      It’ll ALWAYS be your fault.

  7. Well damn, if criminals don't steal guns how to hell you expect them to protect themselves from criminals? I'm just trying a democrat way of thinking on y'all. It's a joke man.


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