
Monday, October 12, 2020

Potty Mouth Prez

President Trump dropped an ‘F-bomb’ warning on Iran while speaking with Rush Limbaugh during a ‘virtual rally’ on Limbaugh’s nationally syndicated radio show Friday. Trump’s two hour appearance was offered by Limbaugh to make up for Trump not being able to campaign the past week due to his infection with the COVID-19 China coronavirus. 


  1. Well....FUCK yeah!!

  2. The president uses the "F"-Bomb. I just wish he's do it more.

  3. At least he didn't call them dog faced pony soldiers or something.

  4. I think he is fed up with these Fucks. About damn time. I just hope if he blows them away it's by pushing buttons. No need to even send troops into that shit hole. Just light em up. Allah Ker fuckin Boom, over and over.

  5. Fucking right he did, big Hell Yea to the prez.

  6. "President Trump dropped an ‘F-bomb’ warning on Iran"

    Seems like he's two letters short....

  7. Damn skippy! I’ll bet Iran doesn’t fuck around with us either.

  8. Hey Joe! Tell everybody "it's a big fuckin' deal."

    Go ahead.

    I dare you.

  9. Seriously: I wonder how this will translate into the Iranian language. He already said "shithole." What's he gonna do next? He IS the Man. Does anyone really doubt he sharpens both his tongue and teeth every morning when he wakes up? Get over it. Go for the jugular. Bite down as hard as possible. Draw blood. Repeat. Spoiler Alert: THIS is NOT a game.

  10. "Allah Ker fuckin Boom"

    I'm stealing this one.

  11. I once knew a guy who flew the Bonanza that would pick up LBJ at the ranch and fly him around Texas before he was President. He said LBJ would cuss him up and down for the entire flight, some of which were on the way to church.

    1. Johnson was pretty much a full-blown sociopath, so that's hardly out of character.

    2. LBJ was an evil, perverted, racist Bastard!

      Ed in Wa

  12. Who gives a rats ass what he said. I would rather have any politician (which he is not) say exactly what they mean in plain English and NOT use diplomatic speak to make a point. Especially when talking about a potential adversary.


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