
Sunday, October 11, 2020

Sunday Video 10



  1. Excellent!

    Chutes Magoo

  2. finally found a good use for 'em

  3. Was that a power company authorized adventure? How did she/he get up there?
    I worked for the power company for a number of years and have a bit of a tale I'd like to share...Linemen work hard, and they play hard, and they can be a bit...un-conventional. During a(n unusual) time of routine maintenance, a dare was made (yeah, never submit to a dare, especially if you work way up in the air!); "Betcha won't piss outa the bucket while yer up there!" Of course, being the Alpha type, the Lineman took it one step further, hung his ass over the side of the bucket, and dropped a load. This was witnessed by a passing, retired school teacher, who did not appreciate the gesture in the least. Let's say, she was not amused! The unfortunate Lineman was looking for work, shortly after the incident. Never heard how that went, but the jokes across the company ran wild for some time.

  4. When he show himself walking on 2 inch angle at that height, I might be impressed. If I found him on one of my sites, he'd be lucky to only get a spud wrench across the jaw.


  5. I was looking for the piles of dead birds that the less bright among us keep saying are killed by the spinning blades.

    1. US Fish & Wildlife and Smithsonian? Yeah, total dummies.

      That study isn't an extrapolation of the bird mortality rates at Altamont Pass.

      The bats aren't killed by the spinning blades, but by the air pressure variations on either side of the blades.

      But you do you.


    2. And that's not counting the lower crop yield around the turbine due to oil pollution and other factors.

  6. landed by the car for a quick getaway. Cuz somehow I know the utility doesn't care for people dancin' on the blades.

  7. Replies
    1. Agree....would NOT vote for him as POTUS.

  8. What the hell is wrong with these people?

  9. Crap.
    And here I was all "unfeather the blade. unfeather the blade"....

  10. Not gonna lie. When he stepped off I literally jumped.

  11. I was real impressed/horrified that he/she/it was walking out onto that blade until I found out that they were planning to fall off anyway. Shit, man, if you're gonna jump anyway walk out there like a boss, not like some mincing fairy !

  12. My short take.

    Fuck this retard. Gonna have an 'edge' base jumping a fucking windmill? My guess would be MA. or NH., in which case there are ACTUAL FUCKING MOUNTAINS up there to base jump. And not private property. Although I'll admit I could be wrong about location.

    Just another attention grabbing dickhead. Don't ever let me pack his chute.

  13. Sure, but you have to have the training and good gear. Great fun, but not worth getting arrested...


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