
Thursday, October 22, 2020

Voters to decide on California's Get Out Of Jail Free card

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California voters are now deciding the fate of Proposition 25, which would end the state’s money bail system. 

A "Yes" vote on Prop 25 would get rid of the bail system as we know it today and allow a new state law to go into effect. Under that law, SB 10, judges would decide if someone accused of serious crimes should be released or kept behind bars in county jails depending on public safety and flight risk.


  1. Must be a great idea if the California Gov came up with it.

  2. Will soon be survival of the fittest and law of the jungle.

  3. Like we got to decide on same sex marriage? Spit.

  4. The way the proposition is worded, people aren't going to understand whether they're voting FOR the law or Against it. Personally, I'm against letting an algorithm decide whether an offender should be released or not.
    "A YES vote approves and a "NO" vote rejects law replacing money bail with system based on public safety and flight risk".


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