
Friday, October 30, 2020

Walmart reverses decision on gun and ammo displays

Walmart on Friday reversed its decision to take guns and ammunition from store displays in response to concerns about "isolated civil unrest." 

The country’s largest retailer had asked all of its stores to move firearms and ammunition to a secure backroom area of the store out of “an abundance of caution” on Thursday, Walmart spokesperson Kory Lundberg told NBC News in an email. 


  1. I heard today that they put the inventory back except for "certain locations"

    1. Waiting for the "racial profiling" lawsuit.

  2. Wouldn't want the afro-turds to get their little feewings hurt like they do when you put a roll-down door over a glass shopfront in their hood. Sensible precautions against vicious feral animals.

  3. Hey, NBC. The story was about Walmart, so how come you have to drop in a slam on President Trump, that he “has suggested he will contest in the event of a win by former Vice President Joe Biden”? WTF does that have to do with Walmart? Where’s the part about Biden promising to raise taxes and making mask wearing mandatory in every village, town, city, county and state in the US of A? Lots of words come to mind right now, none of them nice. And you media folks wonder why we deplorables don’t take off our hats and say, “Yes, suh, massah, suh. Whatever you says.”

  4. Yeah, like NOT in Filthydelphia.

  5. Did you read that NBC article?
    This "news" story claims Walmart was concerned because Trump would contest if Biden wins the election and claims the recent "protests" led to "police" violence! Is it even possible to write a more biased and misleading article?
    F*CK NBC!

  6. I bet their Head Shed received a shit ton of people stating they will avoid doing business “out of an abundance of caution”.

  7. Honestly not a bad idea, given the incessant videos of looters in major cities. Obviously the next few months are going to see some shit go down. Get that merch off the sales floor, at the very least. Walmart is no friend of mine, but this isn't a bad move on their part.

  8. quit Wallyworld over a year ago. the break was after pulling def ammo and the ceo press release basically supporting gun control. embarrased I took so long

  9. I stopped shopping at WalMart some time ago, except for things I just can't get anywhere else in town.
    I'm running low on bore butter for my muzzleloader so I went to Wally World to see if they had some. They recently reset the store and the sporting goods department is about half the size it used to be. The hunting section consisted of 1 rifle, 2 shotguns, about 20 boxes of shotgun shells, 1 box of rifle ammo (different caliber than the rifle on display), and a few Hoppe's cleaning kits.
    I would be surprised if they have any gun stuff at all next year.


  11. After my weekly walk of the empty aisles at Sportsmanship Wharehouse this morn, I decided to cross the street to see if Wallyworld had really restocked ammo or guns. No guns, and only a few boxes of target load 12 ga, a few .410 and that was it. And this is rural Utah.

  12. It's true. Since they stopped selling handgun ammunition and ammunition for modern rifles last September, they've not had a damn thing in the ammo cases to justify the trip. They occasionally had .22 LR--but none's been seen in months and the counter guys try to tell you they stopped making it. Otherwise it's nothing but oddball non-military rifle calibers like .264 Winchester Magnum and .25/06, of which I'm told they sell a box or two every decade, plus 12 gauge slugs. 12 gauge and 20 gauge cheap bulk clay pigeon ammo in cartons stacked up beside the glass case. And that's it, brother. The ammo case is so empty they're using the empty space inside it to display $3.99 pocketknives made in China. No more Winchester White Box pistol ammo, no more 5.56 or 7.62x39, no .22 to be had since summer, they quit selling buckshot ammo for shotguns years ago, no more reason to go because their groceries aren't any cheaper than their competitors and there are fewer scummy looking junkies panhandling in the parking lot at Kroger.


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