
Friday, October 16, 2020

Who the fuck pulls a gun with a trigger lock on it?

A northern Kentucky man will not face any charges after officials ruled he was acting in self-defense when he shot and killed a man during an altercation on a busy interstate last Friday. 

Joshua Taylor was on his way home from work when he crossed paths with John Patrick Abell, who was driving home after a day of fishing. Witnesses describe Abell driving aggressively, and eventually Taylor’s car and Abell’s SUV collided, sending Abell’s vehicle spinning until it came to a stop near an on ramp.


  1. Answer: "Who is a DUMB FUCK for 300, Alex"

  2. I'd love to see the toxicology report on the dead dude.

  3. But did he catch any fish?

    1. Probably not, which would explain the road rage.

  4. To quote a famous American "Stupid is as stupid does".....

  5. Looks like a shotgun in the picture, but never point a firearm at a man with Focus.

  6. "Who the fuck pulls a gun with a trigger lock on it?"

    Someone who's been drinking all day and decided to drive home.

  7. Fucked around and Found out didn't he. He had NO intention of shooting the rifle. He figured he could intimidate his way through the situation. He made a VERY BIG MISTAKE in the victim selection process. Any bets as to whether whether the DUMBASS (Victim) was on alcohol or a controlled substance at the time of his demise.


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