
Friday, October 16, 2020

Your Friday Morning Florida Report

FORT MYERS, Fla. – A Florida girl was sent home from school when a nurse indicated that fatigue from her menstrual cycle could be a symptom of COVID-19, according to WFTX. 

The girl, an eighth grade student at Lexington Middle School in Fort Myers, went to the school nurse on Monday complaining of fatigue because she had just started her period. The nurse gave her a form indicating that her condition could be coronavirus-related. 


  1. reminds me of something the ol country preacher said years ago; "ya gots to go to college a long time to be that stupid!"

  2. I wonder if it's Covid when wimmens go off all PMS-y, if so, that shits been around fer-ever! Damn Chinese!

  3. This is what Trump was referring to when he said we need to stop being so scared of the virus. People over react to what should be the obvious answer too often.

  4. They sure do everything they can to pump up those Covid numbers! Especially hospitals since they get $30k or so for each case from the Feds.

  5. someone needs to pull a plastic bag over that nurse's head...


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