
Wednesday, November 04, 2020

After 10 husbands, I'm pretty sure she's the problem

A 56-year-old woman who is currently considering divorcing her 10th husband says she doesn’t plan to stop getting married until she finds Mr. Right. 

Cassey, a successful businesswoman from the United States, appeared on Dr. Phil to ask for relationship advice, because after 10 marriages, she still hadn’t found the right life partner. Now on the verge of ending her relationship with husband number 10, Cassey said that she didn’t care how many times her marriage would fail, she wouldn’t stop until she found a man who could love her forever. 


  1. That's a woman?
    Say it ain't so.

  2. With a butter-face like that, I'm surprised there was a 3 thru 10. =/

    1. I'd say husband 2 thru 10 took one for the team.

  3. Forever is getting a lot shorter, honey.

  4. Anyone stupid enough to be #11 would get no sympathy from me. He deserves whatever hell she puts him through.

  5. The State of Georgia has a legal lifetime limit of 5 marriage licenses per person. When I lived there I knew a guy who was up against the limit but didn't think 1 should count because he re-married someone he had been married to before and divorced her again. I had to explain to him that it was the number of licenses not the number of women. Some people are better off alone.

  6. Were all of them name Henry?,_I_Am

  7. Ta hell with a dirty road, That mug make a train take a cow path.

  8. Not even considering her shitty attitude, with a face like that I'm thinkin' her expiration date has passed a decade or so ago.

  9. Her motto: If at first you don't suck-cede suck, suck again.

  10. Good thing she didn't meet my old man. He married eight times before getting it right. His advice? Don't be the nice guy.

  11. I have a sister that has been married 6 times to the same guy. The last time they divorced the judge told them if they married again it would be for life because he would not let them divorce again. They remarried and this one has lasted over 35 years so far.

  12. Taylor Swift in 30 years but still rich by singing about them.


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