
Thursday, November 26, 2020

Anybody know this guy?

OLYMPIA, Wash. - Police are asking for the public's help in identifying a man whose severely decomposed remains were found lying along railroad tracks in Olympia. 
-Don in Oregon


  1. I think he’s the guy who used to fight with Popeye over Olive Oyl.

    1. You know you're getting old when you immediately know the name of the guy who used to fight with Popeye over Olive Oyl without having to look it up. Sigh.

    2. Nah. He's the guy with the bunny from "Of Mice and Men".

  2. Clearly he died of Kung Flu.

  3. It looks like Curly.

  4. Yes, the eminent street fighter Bluto poorly renamed about 1960 as Brutus . Popeye always huffed a can of spray spinach and then kicked his ass .

  5. No. But that's real stand up of you to post this. Might be the thing that solves it. Hat tip.


  6. Don't think that is the career path the person thought they were on when they got a liberal arts degree!
    I'm making copy for Rolling Stone what do you do John....uhm I work for the county doing art work.

  7. "Bluto did it, Bluto did it" said the frog.
    Starker here.

  8. ... I might.

    That looks like a guy I used to know in Seattle. Former med student, bearded with long hair, we used to call him 'Chewbacca'. Lost track of him three years ago when he decided to quit his job and mooch off everyone within reach. He chose to live in Seattle, where he couldn't hope to support himself, and daydream about writing a fantasy novel series instead of work for a living. Last I saw him, he was living out of a van that he probably lost a few weeks later because he refused to pay parking.

    I'm not sure that's Chewie, because I never saw him clean-shaven. He also looked younger than that, but life on the streets ages you pretty fast. Could be him, could be any one of hundreds of thousands of homeless squatting in the Puget Sound area.

    TLDR: Some people are on the streets because they are mentally ill, others are there because they made bad decisions and refuse to recognize how bad those choices are.

  9. He bares a strong resemblance to Brutus from the Popeye cartoons.

  10. Last conservative that didn't make it out.


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