
Thursday, November 12, 2020

Bend The Knee

My phone and email have been non-stop since Tuesday. But the conversations started to take a different turn after the Enemy Media came out yesterday and anointed Biden the President. It seems people are already trying to figure out how to survive the next four years and VOTE HARDER in 2024. 



  1. If the dems get away with this, there is nothing they won't do going forward. They will have the entire federal government in another election or two. They will also purge any American currently working for the federal government and the few in media. It will be the communist takeover for the rest of our lifetimes. Where do you think those billions in ammo bought by the obama administration are stockpiled. They've been planning this a good while. They're evil but they're not stupid.

    1. And people don't understand why there is a shortage of guns and ammo.

    2. Begging Ken's pardon, but in "shameless self-promotion mode" might I suggest my morning post?

      Quick Take: An email from a friend, and my added thoughts


      Thank you for the link to your column.
      And yet...

      The marxists invaded a gated community.
      The husband/wife McClosky(sp?) family turned the marxists using the display of firearms.

      What were the acts of their gated-community neighbors while marxists trampled their crew-cut lawns?
      Not one word about a united front to repel boarders.

  2. WE CANNOT take this lying down. It is NOT over. The Deep State and their media lackeys are sitting back waiting to see how much resistance they get. We have to give them a lot. All we have to do is write, phone and email our leaders. Dont complain about Biden winning. Let em have it for allowing a voting process that encouraged/allowed fraud. If we do not override the fraud, we will be back in a year or two trying to resolve this with a very hot war. Bidens handlers are bad people. Make no mistake. Call your state and national representatives.

    1. We have to hang them from their necks until they are dead. In a public square, at noon on a Friday. Televised nationwide. Translated into every language.

  3. Representatives are NOT our leaders

  4. 2024? Are you kidding? If Slow Joe & The Whore cheat their way into the White House (and boy, will THAT name change fast!) there will be no election. For the good of The People, you know. Even if they allow an election, it will be a 99.9% victory for the commies.

  5. It's now or never. The march on DC this week end just might kick it off.


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