
Friday, November 20, 2020

FACT CHECK: CNN's Viral COVID-19 Nurse Might Have Overembellished A Bit

On Monday a South Dakota nurse by the name of Jodi Doering made waves across social media as a result of a CNN interview in which she claimed she’s currently treating numerous COVID-19 patients who denying the virus’s existence while dying horrible deaths from COVID-19 in packed hospitals in South Dakota. The only problem is, the story is likely false and if not, a gross over-embellishment of the facts. 


  1. Here is what I believe about COVID-19 as of this moment: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Any new study, finding, model, scientific determination, and etc., fits into the above. Follow the money, follow the votes, follow TV face time, it all winds up going down the drain.

  2. The story can not be false. CNN fact makers and CNN fact checkers concluded that it is all true.

  3. She not only looks like a horse's ass, she demonstrates she is one.

  4. You are being small minded. The righteous cant let facts get in the way of the truth.

    1. Funny use of the word "righteous".

  5. I live in South Dakota, this “nurse” is full of $hit. Just trying to score some lefty points on the interwebz

    1. And your governor there in SD has the best attitude toward her residents and has the situation well in hand. This is really a hit piece against her since Kristi Noem is a real "up & comer". Sure wish she was our governor here in CA instead of the awful Newslum.

    2. I hear ya! Just retired from the big canoe club so I had the misfortune of living in Cali, Washington, and Virginia. All great red states ruined by blue cities. Noem is quite the Guvna!

  6. Her town has 619 population. I've been from NYC to Miami caring for Covid pts in the ICU. I've met this nurse everywhere I've gone. She is the one we tell each other, "Don't dick your stick in crazy."

  7. (a) South Dakota's License Lookup for Nurse practitioners (the link alleges that she is one) turns up "no record" for the cited name.

    (b) South Dakota's license lookup returns "no record" for an RN licensee by the name cited

    (c) Therefore, I call bullshit.

  8. Virus is real my daughter currently has it. She feels like crap but quickly getting better. People it kills are old or sickly like the flu. Family of four kids about my age killed them all 3 boys and 1 girl but they all had health issues.

  9. ANA/ANCC certifies nurses on basis of their competency, skills, knowledge and ability to perform. Nurses certified from this organization are recognized in all states and also by the U.S. military. bvp certification course online


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