
Friday, November 13, 2020

In liberal California, BLM protests in some towns meet with ‘scary’ backlash

Pastor Nelson Rabell-González knew that “livable, lovable Lodi,” as locals call it, had a problem when men carrying a noose and baseball bats with American flags attached shouted racial slurs at him in September as he helped lead a peaceful protest in this San Joaquin Valley town. 


  1. Fuck him. I worked in Lodi in the 80's to 2000 as a Tool and Die maker. It was a town of pioneers, of men who returned from service and opened up businesses that reflected their own skills and the American dream. The saddle shop, the machine shop, Schneider Drugs, Schmidt's Grinding and Forge, Stoesser Industries, Lodi Chrome. I could go on all day. The first A@W on the west coast. Dairies, Almond orchards, Bruno's Peppers. Bentz Heating and Plumbing, Henderson Hardware. I knew them all in my 22 years there. Some of the railroad packing buildings still had comfort bunks...
    I don't blame them for telling a cracker jack preacher to fuck off.

  2. Best take that bs back to the big city.

  3. Do not bring a protest to a town that small were there are no problems to begin with

  4. Sounds as if Lodi does NOT have a problem, thanks to the dudes with the nooses and bats.

  5. The "activists" say they want to "bring progressive ideas" to the city. That kind of politics Democratically disguised as a human rights march, and they are surprised at opposition? Stop living in a world where your day dreams overwhelm reality.


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