
Monday, November 23, 2020

Putting money before citizen safety

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California, which has a declining prison population, could save more than $1 billion by closing eight lockups, the Legislative Analyst's Office said in a report Thursday. 

The report said the number of inmates, parolees and juvenile wards is a “major cost driver in spending on the state’s correctional system." 


  1. Newsom and company don't care. They have their 47/7 arm guard contingent. The older I get the funnier this shit gets.

  2. We're sure the budget problems have nothing to do with the out-of-control union pensions.

  3. "Meanwhile, the prison and parole populations probably will flatten out in coming years thanks to changes in sentencing and parole laws, the report said."
    Translation on the above: Let's not punish anybody for non-violent crimes, and let petty theft like shoplifting explode to unbelievable levels so that stores are forced to close, or raise their prices in order to cover losses.
    And, as far as shifting juvenile offenders to the counties, they are basically robbing Peter to pay Paul, by shifting the cost of housing juveniles from the state's budget to the county budgets.

    1. One of the first things the Marxists do is release the criminals.

      Given that commie California has been rampaging on decriminalization, what could go wrong? Oh yeah, let's tell the cops to stand down or outright defund them. That game plays both ways as the potential victims always get a say in the matter.

  4. Somehow Newslum and his minions don't get the idea of "criminals". According to them, criminals are just good people who got caught up in a "rayciss" system and deserve to be freed. Sorta like Pedo Biden who thinks "we owe" illegals a free ride; the more the merrier!

    1. They are all just honna stoonts turnin' they lives around.

  5. That's really something. It wasn't too long ago that towns were competing with one another to host state prisons. I think once-sleepy Avenal has 3 prisons. For the first time since discovery of oil, the oil industry wasn't #1 anymore. And cow town Corcoran got a few too. Adelanto turned there's into a huge pot growing indoor farm. Some idiots on the city council convinced the other idiots that they'll soon be raking in the dough in great heaps.


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