
Monday, November 30, 2020

Safety First



  1. IS that chamber NOT FLAGGED W/no mag???.....meaning a locked out bolt?

  2. Has a empty chamber indicator in bolt area

  3. Hey, at least he has a yellow flag in the breech to show there is not a round in there . . . . .

  4. Whats unsafe? Chamber flag, no mag - its just a piece of mattel.

    1. Yeah well, I was raised that you never point a gun, unloaded or not, at anything you don't intend to shoot.

    2. I was raised the same way Ken.

    3. EXACTLY!
      All this "mag out, chamber flagged" is bullshit, guys. EVERY ACCIDENTAL shooting occurs with a firearm that was "UNLOADED."
      Every. Single. Time.
      The ONLY time you every point your firearm at something you DON'T WANT TO DESTROY is when you have stripped it halfway and you are ready to clean, lubricate or service it.
      Careless actions like this lead to more careless actions that end up with lighter skulls.
      -Just A Chemist

    4. @anon,
      Just a piece of "Mattel" ... that's some funny shit, right there !!!

  5. Magazine removed, chamber flagged, it's safe enough but I can't imagine that muzzle on the back of your head would be very comfortable.

  6. Can't wait for Sarge to show up.

  7. Insecure weapon. Walk up and grab it.

  8. No way in hell. Some things you just don't do. This is one of many.

  9. Obviously waiting to board a flight. But unlike Alfred waiting for Sarge to show up, I have been known to secure an unsecured weapon just like this one. Can't wait till Joe panics when he sees his weapon is missing. Three very bad habits going on here, 1- weapon pointed at his head. Yea, its not loaded yada yada yada but it is a terribly bad habit to get into. 2- he does have eyes on his weapon so he won't see me coming to secure the weapon. 3- has his face in his cell phone and has lost all situational awareness, making it even easier to secure the weapon.

  10. Replies
    1. Top is gonna stroll up quietly and plant a penalty kick on that butt with his shiny brogan.

  11. There's a reason Rule One is Rule One. Has nothing to do with the physical state of metal, wood, and plastic. Rule One is an attitude.

    A man to stay well away from.

  12. Still gonna hurt if some clubfoot SOB walks by and kicks it.

  13. History comes around; back in his apprentice PIO daze in RVN, algore posed for a similar flic.


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