
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

So much for buying ammo in the next year or so

We all know firearm and ammunition sales continue to break historical records each month. Starting with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in March, then civil unrest and a presidential election kept the fire burning white hot. How hot? Try an ammunition backlog worth more than $1 billion, like the one Vista Outdoors reportedly has. 


  1. I checked MidwayUSA yesterday. They didn't have a single primer for sale, including shotshell, 50BMG and percussion caps. Also received an e-mail from an ammunition producer who explained his troubles acquiring components from his usual suppliers. Brass and bullets for his 300 Blackout ammo has been on backorder since before summer. Every week he's notified he might be receiving his order 'next week'. When I went to his website he didn't have anything available in any caliber that he produces. Interesting times.

    1. 300 is really hard to find. 300 subs are almost impossible. I’ve always stuck to 556 until I started getting into suppressors. This year I’ve been building a 300 BLk pistol, done minus the optic. I have some supers I’ve bought a little at a time, but never bought any subs. I’m just now at the earliest possible time I could get my 30 cal suppressor approved and it sucks not being able to find the ammo to really enjoy it. I’m ammo-d up enough with what I regularly shoot to not panic or anything, but it is annoying as hell not being able to find this one particular thing.


    2. I'd love to have a suppressor for my 300. Maybe one day.....

  2. The more paranoid in me thinks it is the Feds or the Left with deep pockets who are purchasing the ammunition to prevent the citizens from obtaining ammunition for their firearms. The deep pockets thought of spending millions of dollars on candidates of their choice - why wouldn't they spend their money on this as well ? A gun without ammunition is pretty much useless.

    1. Mirrors my thought on the matter

    2. "it is the Feds or the Left with deep pockets who are purchasing the ammunition to prevent the citizens from obtaining ammunition for their firearms."

      And I'm sure none of the ammo that they purchased is making it into the hands of antia direct action units or similar organizations.

  3. Yet no shortage in Chicongo. Lots of ammo used every weekend.

  4. "A gun without ammunition is pretty much useless."
    Yep, as useless as a democracy with democrats.

    1. Dont you mean a republic with communists?

  5. I got all the primers I could when it was apparent that we'd be in another panic. Also found bullets and powder last week. No IMR powders at all but there was some Winchester and AA stuff available. And the bullets were odd weights, but one does what one can.

  6. I have to laugh at all of the dumbass MF's that are now complaining about ammo shortages. Anyone that's been alive for the last 12-15 years, especially people that visit web sites like this one, and didn't stock up during or after the Obuttface ammo and 2A end run attempts doesn't know how to analyze political situations and take appropriate action.

    The anti gun MSM has been carrying stories about RECORD GUN AND AMMO SALES for years. When the anti gun MSM publishes stories about record gun and ammo sales, YEAR AFTER YEAR, even a mental midget should be smart enough to realize that they need to take action to ensure that they have adequate supply.

    Look, I know buying ammo and/or more guns can put a big strain on tight budgets. However, the one box per week strategy that our host and others have outlined, or learning to roll your own, makes it much less burdensome to prepare for the eventuality we now ALL face.


    1. Maybe even with guns and ammo, you are actually still the dumbass MF?

      Yep, that is it, lmao

  7. How many gun sales need to happen before the sheer number of firearms causes spontaneous firing? My unscientific opinion: soon.

  8. This keeps up my advice: Buy stock in Knife, baseball bat, crossbow and slingshot manufacturers.

  9. I started stocking up big time after obama & sandy hook-administrations come & go, but the bullshit never ceases..
    Anyone else wonder how long before Trump's wall will be keeping us in instead of them out?

  10. I could see a thriving black market from foreign actors, buying on the street corner what they use to sell, crack, meth, smack... yeah, hey bra, ya got any 9mm? How about some 12G?

    1. Where there is demand, someone will supply it. The cartels already have supply and distribution networks set up, adding some additional products to their current offers wouldn't be hard. And it's not like China/Russia/anyone else would have much problem supplying them...

  11. One box per paycheck for the last 20yrs. Still room for more, but not at $30-$35 /50 for 9mm.
    Also glad I didn't get rid my old compound bows and components. They still fire. Speaking of knives, bats etc. How long before they are regulated or restricted to permit holder$$$ only?

  12. I Stop pinging and target practice months ago. Saving ammo. Using pellets for practice. Big question is all these new gun buyers with no knowledge of how to fire, clean, etc. Have no ammo to practice with. Expect rounds going in all directions while aiming at the broad side of a barn.


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