
Thursday, November 26, 2020

Thanksgiving could be make-or-break as COVID-19 cases go up 70% nationwide in two weeks

In Pennsylvania, if you’re having friends over to socialize, you’re supposed to wear a mask — and so are your friends. That’s the rule, but Barb Chestnut has no intention of following it. 

“No one is going to tell me what I can or not do in my own home” said Chestnut, 60, of Shippensburg. “They do not pay my bills and they are not going to tell me what to do.” 

As governors and mayors grapple with an out-of-control pandemic, they are ratcheting up mask mandates and imposing restrictions on small indoor gatherings, which have been blamed for accelerating the spread of the coronavirus. But while such measures carry the weight of law, they are, in practical terms, unenforceable, and officials are banking on voluntary compliance instead. 

Good luck with that.


I've got a funny feeling that positive test results 'will rise dramatically' in the next two weeks and the fucking politicians will use that as an excuse to impose even more draconian restrictions on the population, especially in the larger cities.
Just wait until Christmas when they attempt to outlaw family gatherings of any size.


  1. RE: your last para, probably not under President Trump's watch. However, if Biden is declared winner, Katy bar the door. National mask mandate to follow in a heartbeat.

    On a bright note, the SJC struck down the 1stA orders against religious worship in NYC late yesterday. 'Course Roberts joined the progressive left. Screw him. Barrett nullified him quite nicely.

    ...and Happy Thanksgiving to all.


    1. Lil Andy in Kentucky had his orders shutting down Christian schools overturned by a Federal judge yesterday. The school my daughter attends had already said they were going to have in person classes after Thanksgiving. They have been in person since the start of the school year and while there have been quarantines of groups of students there have not been any cases contracted by students at school. Most of the quarantines were due to students who have medical workers as parents.

    2. How is the Nautilus these days?

    3. Yep, Amy snipped Johnny.

  2. Why so much testing? Especially people who have NO symptoms. They need to stop incentivizing testing and this will stop overnight.

  3. cases are increasing up to 70% on a now proven in court recently in Portugal 97% false positive PCR test results ??

    Gee... think there's another agenda going on here folks ?

    no legal nor political fix for this attack on our lives

    1. GUNS and pick your targets. Or would you rather work with knives? Commies have to die, they are the cancer that will kill our freedom.

  4. As Bob Cantrell's sweet little old Grandmother used to say, "Fuck 'em, feed 'em fish."

  5. Not only are PCR tests not designed for clinical diagnosis, the CDC’s own site states that a positive result from any test may indicate the presence of a virus from the coronavirus family, in other words, the common f’n cold would give a positive result.

  6. It's a Testdemic. The survival rate should be the only metric, and by that it's not even an epidemic any more. And the PCR testing is never suitable for diagnosis.

  7. Replies
    1. YES, total BS. Signs popped up all over Portland offering free, drive up testing. Shazaam, Covid spike!

  8. Reality says: In an over populated world of 7.3 Billion just sit back and let Mother Nature cull the herd.

  9. In other words, they are going o try to double down on something they absolutely know doesn’t work. Since they are clearly insane, can’t we get them all on lithium or haldol or something to chill them out?

    1. No, must'nt heal them, they must be put down...they are a cancer that must be extinguished. If you can't do that then find someone who can ant lead them to the targets.

  10. Last summer, it was all about "deaths" certainly a concern, but now it's all about "cases", which in the long run is good if people are recovering from it and not dying like flies. There's your "herd immunity" they've been prattling on about.
    The virus a hoax?
    No, but the response to it has been.

  11. Another, and in my mind the greatest omission on this bullshit: what's the recovery rate of all these 'positive' cases? Oh, only 99.9%? In that case, time for another lockdown that won't work, just like the first one. Incidentally: since 92% of Americans are complying and wearing masks, why are the case numbers spiking?

    1. You might be surprised. In small towns between DFW and Austin we saw more people who either were not wearing masks or were doing so haphazardly as if they didn't give a flying shit. We follow suit and were never asked where our mask was. Matter of fact when we did wear a mask we were scorned and ridiculed, some even threw wads of used toilet paper at us. I knew this after smelling some.

  12. In other words, they are going o try to double down on something they absolutely know doesn’t work. Since they are clearly insane, can’t we get them all on lithium or haldol or something to chill them out?

  13. Oh well, Happy thanksgiving to you and yours!

  14. Guys and gals, let's all hope Pres Trump runs the gauntlet and is re-elected. Then he can force through use of the HCQ "cocktail" and we'll be done with this "killer virus". We sure as hell don't need a "vaccine" with side-effects worse than the virus itself!

    1. Wouldn't that be a gas, seeing Pfizer declaring bankruptcy cuz Donnie stuck around long enough to get the HCQ cocktail on the menu.

    2. And a chip so our master can find us later when we get "lost"...

  15. Of course, those criticizing the testing are absolutely correct. The test was made much too sensitive for it's intended use. So false positives are probably higher than actual cases.
    As for a vaccine that is effective between 60-70%, depending on which Pfizer study you read, simply doing nothing, and letting people just build their own immunity via the bodies own well developed systems that have been dealing with for eons. So if the governments had simply done nothing, by now, people would have been immune, healthy, and the economy would never have been shutdown, twice or more now.
    Of course, what is the major reason that Biden was able to make the election close enough to perhaps cheat his way to the presidency. At this point, I think that even though there is evidence that the Democrats cheated and horribly, the media and the Republican tail waggers who follow the money,instead of doing what is right have made it simply impossible for Trump to force a fair election result. Things are going to get ugly, very ugly, and soon, very soon.


    1. Biden will NOT become anything but worm dirt, same with Harris. This is the last election where the commies will cheat an election. And all their supporters will go down. You will see.

  16. Here we are, getting ready to put the house on the market, doing repairs and upgrades on the travel trailer and these assholes want a lockdown! The lock in know is LnL!
    Getting ready to bail out of Commiefornia!

    1. Don't come to Texas, we have enough of your kind here already and looking for someplace to ship a whole lot to.

    2. Easy now. I moved from California to Tennessee just a few short years ago. Not all Californians are moving out and bringing California's politics with them.

  17. The other thing on deaths is that there is not much clambering of Younger People Dying. If there were, the news would be all over it. Makes you wonder, don't it?
    Another radio voice "This highly Deadly disease". No you stupid Git, it's just highly contagious. BIG difference.

  18. Good! We'll finally have herd immunity

  19. Why are we not hearing from people who HAD covid? I had covid two weeks ago. 1st of all,.. nobody believes me which is hilarious, everybody is terrified of it but when you get it,.. nobody believes you. Secondly, I was sick for ONE day with a head cold and cough,.. then couldn't smell or taste for 10 days. That was it. My two year old had a runny nose and cough for a day. My wife,. 5 months pregnant had a cough for about 10 minutes. Where are the SURVIVORS? It is literally just a cold. I took one day off and read two books and was back working in the rain the next day.

    1. If that is the case, I must of had a Covid-colon (is that a Covid-37?) case, cuz I had a fever and the shits for a weekend?

  20. Deaths are down, so now they whine about 'cases' which may or may not be actually positive - What happened to 'flatten the curve'?

  21. Well, New Orleans just basically cancelled Mardi Gras 2021 because of Kung Flu. I'm sure the city coffers and local businesses will be fine without the influx of millions of tourist dollars.

  22. This may or may not be about the Covid, but I was wondering. Why will a nice set of tits gravitate to what looks like two tobacco bags hanging half way to her waist...because of GRAVITY!!! and yet my dick doesn't do anything except deny blood flow to it???

    You would think by my age I would have a dick that hung around my knees and I could toss it over my shoulder like some gals can toss a tit or two over their shoulder? Gravity sucks except for dicks.


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