
Monday, November 23, 2020

Trump at the Rubicon

In the closing days of 50 BC, the Roman Senate declared that Julius Caesar’s term as a provincial governor was finished. Roman law afforded its magistrates immunity to prosecution, but this immunity would end with Caesar’s term. As the leader of the populares faction, Caesar had many enemies among the elite optimates, and as soon as he left office, these enemies planned to bury him in litigation. Caesar knew he would lose everything: property, liberty, even his life. 

Caesar decided it was better to fight for victory than accept certain defeat. In January 49 BC, he crossed the Rubicon River with his army, in violation of sacred Roman law, and begin a civil war. “Alea iacta est,” said Caesar: The die is cast. 


  1. Funny you post this now. I was listening to the following yesterday.
    "Oswald Spengler: Caesarism" on Morgoth's Review

    Morgoth is an Englishman with a rather dense Northumberland accent (I think, UK readers please correct, or verify) that takes a few minutes to get used to. I like his stuff. This particular piece is a bit long, but worth a listen.

    Also, have a quick look at some of the comments. Nothing particularly insightful in the comments, but instructive nonetheless. There are increasing numbers of people who are willing to see the entire system crash and burn, if that is the price of toppling the "Elites". As in "and then one day, for absolutely no reason at all ..."

    1. The problem is that the elites will survive. Did you catch where Eric Schmidt of Google fame just bought European citizenship for himself and his entire family? He's more than willing to cause the United States to crash and burn; he has his exit strategy will in hand.

  2. I read this the otherday. I believe they have backed him into a corner as far as giving him no reason to back down or play nice.

    They keep calling for his arrest for the crime of disagreeing with them and calling for the arrest of people based on who they voted for.


  3. I suggest that Donald Trump relocate his personal and business entities to Andorra. It is a beautiful country high in the pyrenees and has no extradition treaty with the US.

    1. I read an ad a long time ago, with a picture of Trump,and the overlay written as follows. " They are not coming for me,you know. They are coming for you, and I am just in the way. It is conservative Americans that those liberals want to arrest,put in jail, or even kill, depending on how much trouble they have caused the liberal leftists."
      That is, of course, paraphrased. But I think that the sentiment expressed is pretty much spot on. The goal of the left is both to get Trump,and to continue to attempt to bury him, after he leaves office,as an example,and to also attack and defeat conservatives, Republican or not,to ensure that none will ever again try to break away from the Democrats control over every single portion of their lives.


  4. It wasn't about Justice Kavanaugh, it was about whoever might dare to be nominated after him. It isn't really about Trump, it's about anyone who might dare to challenge the establishment in the future. Kind of gives lie to their claim that punishment for crime is just vindictiveness and doesn't serve as any kind of deterrent.

  5. Ave' Caesar!

    If the Republic must die, better it become an Empire than a cursed Democracy.

  6. Odds of Trump doing something like that: zero.
    Odds of the Dems doing something like that to clamp down on any dissent: significantly greater than zero.

  7. Neither the Republican majority of the state legislatures will come through with an Electoral College win (there will be plenty of wusses who will stab him in the back)nor will the courts-up to and including the SCOTUS-come through with a judicial win. Trump and 70 million who voted for him know that. What other choice does he have?

    Time to fight and keep fighting.

  8. Do it Mr President.

    If you do not, we will NEVER have an honest election again.


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