
Tuesday, November 24, 2020

When cops and America's cherished gun rights clash, cops win

LEESBURG, Florida (Reuters) - The night a cop killed Andrew Scott started out like many others had for the 26-year-old pizzeria worker. Home from his evening shift, he and his girlfriend, Miranda Mauck, ate a late supper and spent several hours watching television and playing video games. 

Then, around 1:30 a.m., as the two sat talking in T-shirts and underwear, they were startled by a loud knock at the door. We “looked at each other and jumped up real fast,” Mauck said in an interview.


  1. If law won't punish him, humt him down and empty a mag into him.

    1. ABSOLUTELY. If you can't get justice thru the courts then street justice wins. Fuck em.

    2. Know the difference between a hunting rifle and a sniper rifle?

      The choice of Target.

      Simple resolution to the cop.

    3. This is after all an article on Yahoo! News, aka a cummunist sympathizer news source. Expect to see a lot more of this type of article leading up to Biden's executive order mandating the confiscation of all firearms.


  2. Well, from the lawsuit Scott's family knows who the cop was that shot him. it is really easy to find all kinds of info on people these days, so they can easily know where he lives. They already know where he works. If the courts won't provide justice, it falls to the family.

    1. The courts won't provide justice. People give cops a wide latitude when they shoot someone.

      "Reasonable doubt" is on the side of the defendant. In this case, the cop. It was dark, they had a warrant, the suspect had a gun, ..., I feared for my life.

      F**k. Remember when some brain damaged cop decided to text and drive and killed a bicyclist (the bicyclist was high up [founder?] of a tech company). The D.A. decided that was just fine by him. At the same time a high school or college kid did the same thing and the D.A. decide to throw the book at her.

      I count three tiers: rulers, cops, serfs. My ancestors took up arms against Fat King George to dissuade him of that notion.

    2. Avenged seven fold would have been my response. Gen 4:24 The cop that did the shooting would be number 7

    3. The family lost the lawsuit, Charlie. Imagine what I'm thinking.

  3. that's why you never open the door. wait for them to try and break in and shoot through the damn thing

  4. And use a bigger gun.

  5. Dittos to the above.
    And "perfesser" Adam Winkler of UCLA seems to have a bias. Why am I not surprised?

  6. Judges make decisions like this so cops will go out of their way to protect the insiders. It is time to have a "reckoning" with Wash DC, government employees, cops and Tech companies. Time is growing short, they are keeping the covid bullshit in place for a reason, they don't want people talking to each other and making plans as during the Revolutionary War the talk in the pubs doomed the English.

  7. Huh...
    Well i am glad that wasnt my kid.
    And the cops, there families should be god damn happy it wasn’t my kid.

    All 3, would be Gator Shit and i would stroll down to the court house with the video and give a Full Blood Covered Confession.

    Fuck you, it aint free MF’rz, it aint free

  8. I don't see anywhere in the story that the guy asked who was at the door. Am I missing something?

    Seems to me that opening a door with a gun in your hand is asking for a violent response.

    1. Why? Late at night, not expecting anyone. Any prudent person would be armed when going to the door. He should have been more careful, he might be alive today if he had.

    2. Yes, the cop was asking for a violent response by standing at someone else's door late at night, with a gun, you're
      absolutely right.

      Wait... you're not actually trying to say that a man opening his front door, late at night, not expecting company, so armed as is his right, should expect/deserves to be shot by the stranger on his porch, are you? Because that's not how castle law works.

    3. In your own fucking home?
      With rampant home invasions everywhere?
      I guess that's fine if you live in a cave.

  9. The biggest error in this article that screams for redress is the constant reference to police murder victims as "civilians". Police Officers are civilians. Despite the militarization of their thought process and tactics, no police officer in any jurisdiction outside of a military base in the United States is a non-civilian.

    If they want to think of themselves as a Military force, and conduct themselves the same, they should be required to follow the same protocols and Rules or Engagement that our Armed Forces must follow in foreign combat zones. And that includes using foul language and threatening body posture to intimidate "civilians". Just let PFC Smith try to use the "I have to go home at night" defense at his Courts Martial for killing an old man by firing blindly into his hovel in Afghanistan or Iraq; He'd be found guilty of murder in an instant.

    1. @UH!H CE Thanks for mentioning this very good point.

  10. Amazing, but true. Cops lie. Criminals lie. Families of criminals lie.

  11. As long as cops have special rights this will not change. Some one beating at my front door will have me coming in from the flank. Do not live in a place with one entrance.

  12. The pigs should have announced who they were when they knocked. Scott should have then have kept his gun hidden and asked what they wanted. Then announced that he was opening the door, they should show their badges and that he did have a gun in his waist. And as the pigs still kicked in the door and blew Scott away, his parents may have had a better chance od winning the lawsuit. Blue lives matter civilian lives don't.

  13. Don't forget the judge. She should be shot too...

  14. Bring back decimation. Tell the department that there's good news and bad news. The bad news, is that 90% of them will be eating nothing but barley for 30 days; the good news is that 10% of them won't, and, oh yeah, please draw a pebble from the bag on your way out of the briefing room.

  15. This is right down the road from where I live. It hurts to think this happened in Lake County, FL. We have some of the highest conceal carry rates in all of Florida. And it happened at home.

    Certainly is a shame. The officer would have met much larger fire power if it had been at our home.

  16. I agree with the general consensus, those asshole cops are riding around in rolling billboards. Finish the job the courts refuse to do.

  17. Cops are in fear of their lives everyday as part of the job, but trigger-happy cops need to be outed and removed from the force. This could have been avoided. R.I.P.


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