
Monday, December 21, 2020

After the Corona-fear Comes the Herd Stampede

A month old article but still relevant.

Stampedes normally kill more victims than the panic and as authorities storm toward the new SARS-CoV-2 vaccines, their missteps and mispronouncements are further killing the public trust in vaccines and the scientific community. The only strategy in most Western countries is to procure as many COVID-19 vaccines as quickly as possible. But words speak louder than actions when public fear and hesitancy is at a high point and I don’t see any clear strategy to ensure trust and public uptake of these sought-after vaccines. If the last week in vaccine communications is anything to go by, I sometimes wish our authorities would just sit down and shut up. 

 And amidst the seemingly incessant litany of risk management failures surrounding COVID-19 sits the anti-vaxxer, calmly recording each confused pronouncement as they prepare to swell their ranks. If the authorities don’t learn proper vaccine risk communications, I fear we’ll see anti-vaccine sentiment pass the 50% level in most Western countries. Forget herd immunity – we’ll only attain herd impunity (and a lot of discarded vaccine stock). 


  1. Many vaccines make sense to me. But 2 out of 3 times flu vaccines have made me sick. I stopped getting flu vaccines and don't plan on starting again.

  2. Sorry, modifying my genome on a fast tracked vaccine does not inspire confidence. Most medical front line staff (over 50%) are taking a wait and see attitude. Moderna killed four people in their trials alone. If you really understand messenger RNA based anything you understand that it has been known since its discovery around 1993 that the weak link is the fact that too large of a dose causes a massive bodily immune system reaction and kills the recipient. That is why it is administered in two doses. And it does permanently modify your genome in what is called a mosaic if you want to do some homework. Doctors have one of the lowest average life spans, mostly because they are so full of their own opinions.

  3. Still ain't taking the beer vaccine and the damn flu shot and I was in the medical field, nigh unto 30 years...

  4. tuberculosis kills more people than the coronavirus. Why not choose that one to freak out over?

  5. Hmmm, 10 months of development without proper phased animal testing and over 3% of those getting the shot are suffering from side affects that prevent them from working for a cold that has a 99.98% survival rate? Sounds like you have a better chance of surviving the Chinese LungAIDS than you do the vaccine. Come back to me in 10 years and tell me how the COLD vaccine is working and how many women cannot conceive a child.

  6. Wife is ER RN. Wait and see on her part.

  7. Again why do we need a vaccine for a cold that has a 99.9% survival rate. All I Want For Christmas is the treasonous commies to be tried and hung.

  8. It will take a gun pointed at me for me to allow the shot into my body.

    I don't trust .GOV as far as I could throw the entire CDC.

    1. You should rethink that. Why would you permit a threat of potential violence to allow the shot into your body which is actual violence?

    2. They or me will shoot first and ask questions later.

  9. never let a crisis go to waste
    if there is no crisis create one

  10. Don't trust government. Government is asshoe.

  11. I've had most of the vaccines around up through Shingles and Pneumonia. I've been getting a flu shot every year as long as I can remember but I'm not getting one of the Covid shots until there's been some experience. I can't trust anything that's being said by anybody on either side.

    1. Same here This has just been pushed to fast. My nice and two of her kids Had to go to Seattle when it was the hotspot in the nation back in February. I figure i would have caught it from them and did not. People must think these dumbass masks work like a impenetrable shield because the idiots around here do not social distance. Our covid rate did not start to climb until 2 months after the dumbass mask mandate came down from the demonrat governor. I figure it was because everybody forgot about social distancing and washing hands.


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