
Friday, December 18, 2020




  1. Did Tim in Alaska send you that? If not - would you like some?


    1. LOL!...No, I didn't send it to Kenny, but I do already have it saved to my photos on my computer, having stumbled across it months ago.
      I emailed it to one of my girlfriends, and said "I don't drink, but if I did I would definitely try this" (I love smoked salmon). But I see from the other comments here, that I am in a minority, based on everyone else saying "Yuck!" hahahaha

      Tim in AK

    2. Tim, people who would know tell me it's great in a Bloody Mary. It was HUGE the first year as a joke gift. Other than that, I mostly see it at the airport for tourists to take home.


  2. Yuck! I smoke salmon that I catch, I love to eat them! But Vodka that tastes that way?? NFW yuck! ?

  3. There's not many things as entertaining as watching people stagger out of a vodka bar at closing time.

  4. Somebody who knows nothing about Alaska (or vodka) forgot that Russia used to own Alaska.

  5. Goes along with my observation when I went to Alaska. It's a drinking state with a fishing problem.

    1. Hey! I can stop fishing anytime I want...(trying to hide ice fishing gear)


  6. Replies
    1. Just as long as you don't blame it on the AMISH

  7. I love the "because I can" part of this--and I'd say that's truly what's Alaskan about it in the first place. Most of us would just have the smoked salmon in one hand and plain vodka in the other, same story with less fuss--but would nod vigorously in support of "because I can, that's why". (Alaska's got it's share of problems, but not among them is any shortage of people who just insist on going their own way. These are my kind of people.)

    Incidentally, one of the Anchorage beer brewing outfits has off and on featured a "smoked porter", which if you're into the thick'n'black beer thing, is fantastic. Yes, the "smoked" in this case tastes like smoked salmon; it doesn't matter whether or not that should work; it simply does.

    1. Rauchbier, mmmmmm :-)

      I’m not much of a vodka drinker, but I’d give this stuff a try. For the story, if nothing else. Plus, so far the track record for weird-sounding flavored vodkas is positive: A Russian place around here sells horseradish infused vodka, which turns out to be pretty good.

  8. Used to keep a bottle in the liquor cabinet when I was stationed in Alaska. It is terrible straight and a good way to dick with you drinking buddies. Mix it in a Bloody Mary and you will never go back. Damn good stuff when mixed right.

  9. I draw the line at bacon-flavored vodka.

  10. Here in Texas, whenever someone gives me salmon, it is always in a can. Mother-in-law on EBT gets salmon systematically and my dogs love it.

  11. Haven't nor will I drink salmon vodka. Not faulting those that do, of course, whatever gets you through the day.

    However smoked salmon strips (Used to be called Squaw Candy by my Indian buddies that make it in their fish camps, but that was before Woke.) are great munchies during a long alcoholic Alaskan evening. Long evening; total daylight,right here, right now, today, on top of the world here in North Pole, Alaska is three hours and forty two minutes.

    Hum, I've got some friends coming over around twilight, have plenty of beer, home brewed mead and bonded whiskey but I'll remember to pull some Yukon River salmon strips out of the freezer.


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