
Monday, December 14, 2020

CAIR Calls for Michigan Police to Prosecute Enemies of Detroit Democrat Who Urged Terrorism From BLM ‘Soldiers’

The Michigan chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR-MI) is calling on law enforcement to investigate Trump supporters after state representative Cynthia A. Johnson of Detroit issued a terror threat against them. 


  1. That's how the Left-wing operates. Attack, attack, attack destroy, destroy,, destroy and never ever easing up the pressure. Meanwhile Conservatives want to be fair and "get along". That my friends is a perfect recipe for doom.

    1. Well, doom if you're conservative. For the Left, it works out pretty well. Unfortunately, the only time conservatives will attach anything is each other, over who surrendered first.

  2. CAIR - bunch of race-baiting asshats. They're the ones who coined the made-up word 'islamophobia'. It's as useless as 'racist', and used to the same purpose - to divide. They should have been thrown out of my country after 9/11.

  3. I hope like hell they find the person who made the alleged phone call. And then they loudly broadcast his repeated support for this legislator. Smells like ol' Juicy Smellot all over again. I mean, the odds are that it is yet another fake hate crime, since there are more fakes than real one if you exclude hate crimes against the right.
    Matt in KY

  4. “Yes all muslims need to be expelled from the FUSA”. Saw this comment on another site, and thought it fit well here. Not sure what or how this individual thinks this could be accomplished. Really, some people just have the craziest ideas.


    1. obama's team rounded up musloids for 8 years from various shitholes around the world and brought them here. It would be easy enough to round them all up again and ship them back to some other shithole. musloids do not assimilate in our culture, and their so-called "religion" is counter to what most American's consider a decent religion.

      The "crazy" idea was to bring them here in the first place. With all the cheating Dominion voting machines, what the fuck do we need all these worthless, black musloids in OUR country for? And you and others like you are welcome to leave with them.

  5. Hey Kenny;

    They want to"defund the police".....except when it is convenient to attack conservatives/Americans with them and not a protected class. CAIR can suck a dick...

  6. Looks like CAIR is jealous for not getting the attention. I'd throw them off the planet. Them and the ACLU.

    1. Now dammit. I was just fine ranting about CAIR, and here ya go triggering me with the American Communist Lawfare Union.

    2. Holy musloid shit!!! Don't start naming all the alphabet commie groups. Did someone miss the Southern Poverty Law Center


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