
Monday, December 07, 2020

Carjackings Up 537% In Minneapolis For Some Odd Reason

Ho hum, just another couple of months in the reduced-policing utopia known as Minneapolis. With fewer police on the street, that must mean that residents in the city that made “abolish the police” official policy must be enjoying a more peaceful and free life, right? Well, some are — and the rest are paying for it: 


  1. Not just in Minneapolis ... here in Chi-town too ... this one is particularly tragic.
    Note the 4-on-1 ... this sort of thing is happening all over the Chicago-land area multiple times per day

    1. What particular ethnic group is prone to use the many-on-one tactic?

    2. Rick .. I'll give ya three guesses, but you'll only need one

  2. Goody another brick for my schadenfreude wall.

  3. Guess they should pass more laws outlawing that type of behavior? They seem to believe that works, right? Or!!! Post some signs, "This is a non-carjacking zone!".

  4. Nah.
    It is just a statistical anomaly, just like the sudden lowering of Trump votes and increase in Biden votes.

  5. Beautiful city once. Good for them they are getting what they deserve.

    1. Hey, my guys kept street crime to a minimum...
      - Tony Accardo

  6. Here in Colorado all municipal police and county sheriffs have lost their civil immunity and can be sued for misbehavior. Once you are convicted of misbehavior you can't be badged for anything every again. No job for you. There is on group of police still protected, the state police, or state patrol. The goal the democrats have here is a single state police force for entire state controlled by crazy liberal left wingers from denver. This is what happens when the fags take over.

    1. This is a more complex plan than it seems. Eventually a large number of decent cops just doing their jobs will get some strike against them. There will then be a public backlash demanding removal of having a criminal record as an impediment to being a cop.

      THAT'S when the bad people will pack the departments with violent criminals.

      Some might think that the same tactics that did in Russia in the early 1900's are being used to do in the USA. Back then a financier named Schiff provided a lot of the monetary support. Can anyone think of a modern-day person doing the same thing? It'd probably be someone who made lots of money, in typically dubious fashion, like currency speculation for example. Might start with a "S", just coincidentally, but what do I know. That's just crazy talk.

  7. I just can't wait until the Mayor or any city official is drug out in the street and beat senseless then their home torched. Call 911? There's nobody home fuck face.

    1. The *only* way something like that will ever happen is if the people beating him down are Lefties, and then it will just be a "mostly peaceful" protest.


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