
Friday, December 11, 2020

Closed Schools - three articles

Schools confront ‘off the rails’ numbers of failing grades 

The first report cards of the school year are arriving with many more Fs than usual in a dismal sign of the struggles students are experiencing with distance learning. 

School districts from coast to coast have reported the number of students failing classes has risen by as many as two or three times — with English language learners and disabled and disadvantaged students suffering the most.

20,687 MNPS students truant, school board member says

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Nashville parents, students and Metro Nashville Public Schools staff are calling for schools to reopen as more than 20,000 MNPS students are truant.

‘If the city is open, why aren’t our schools open?’ MNPS parents rally for in-person learning

NASHVILLE, Tenn (WKRN) — As Nashville’s hospitals fill up, their public schools remain empty.

That’s because all Metro Nashville Public School students are learning remotely for the rest of this semester.


  1. "The first report cards of the school year are arriving with many more Fs than usual "

    All is going according to plan. [smirking intensifies]

    Stupidification America: Endgame

  2. As I near retirement, I decided to get an Associates degree in Gunsmithing Technology. When we broke for Thanksgiving, that was the last day we set foot on campus. They obviously didn't want us around family and then bring COVID back to campus. In any event, we did remote learning the last two weeks. There was nothing remote about it. We had a test every day based upon textbook chapters we had read (on our own, obviously) the previous day.

    So, we're all busting our asses in an attempt to make the best grades possible all semester. THEN, the college administration comes out and says the we all have the option of converting every grade to "pass or no pass". Hell, I bust my ass, stay up late studying and the slackers get rewarded by pulling just above an "F" and they get rewarded with a "P" which doesn't go against their GPA.

    It seems participation trophies are everywhere, even in the colleges and universities.

    1. Hey, if we flunk people out, they quit paying tuition!
      - School Administrators

  3. Well, Chicago schools would be racist and sexist if they were open, according to the Chicago Teachers' Union...

    Can't have that. Just keep sending those salary checks out though.

  4. I understand that a lot of folks can't do anything else for there kids, but I can't understand any right thinking person wanting to have there children raised by the enemy.

  5. There are two problems, that I see.
    1) the districts, schools, and teachers weren't prepared to teach via video.
    2) the students and their parents weren't prepared to separate home life from home school work.

    I'm going to go out on a limb and put all of the blame on the parents. When I was in school in the 70's and 80's, my parents, both of whom worked, made sure that my brother and I were learning what we were supposed to have been taught in school. But it didn't stop there. We were also expected to learn outside of school in the evenings and even at night (stargazing.) During the summers we'd spend a month with one set of grandparents, and the learning continued in both locations.

    I can't imagine growing up in today's world. Participation trophies? Hell, when we lost, all we got was the knowledge that they had beat us, and a desire not to let that happen again. Today, there's no difference between being the best at something or the worst at it. I don't remember being the best at anything. There was always someone just a little smarter, taller, faster, etc, but what I learned was to always do my best and be proud of it. If you can't take pride in yourself, what kind of person are you.

    1. And I see a third problem:
      3) A lot of these parents are too fucking stupid to assist in their kid's education.
      Not being condemning either, because I'd be one of them.

    2. "If you can't take pride in yourself, what kind of person are you."

      A millennial!

      Thank you, try the veal!

  6. The hoops I had to jump through the last two semesters this year to finish my Welding Technology degree were brutal. I should have had close to 300 hours in the shop to get my qualifications. I got my 300 hours, and my certs, but damn those hoops.

    1. Twisting hoops together is just screwing a round.

  7. In Texas students are jumping from gov-schools to home schooling by the thousands. And I would bet the home schooling is conservative instead of the commie BS they teach in gov-schools.

    If the kids are failing doing remote learning then they are not doing their part in front of the computer monitor.


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