
Thursday, December 17, 2020

Commentary: Trump Can Stop Biden from Funding Left-Wing Groups

Joe Biden promises to bring the Obama years back with a vengeance. One thing that’s likely to return is government slush funds for left-wing groups. Unless Trump takes decisive action, one of the biggest piggy banks for the Left will come from the Federal Housing Financial Agency (FHFA).


  1. "Trump officials are considering the end of the federal government’s ..."

    This right here is why it won't happen.

    President Trump honestly believed these people wouldn't let their hatred of him prevent them from doing what was best for America...

  2. They're gonna bring their entire wish list and the repubs have already demonstrated they ain't gonna do shit about it.
    2 possible solutions: divorce without alimony, armed revolution.

    1. "They're gonna bring their entire wish list and the repubs have already demonstrated they ain't gonna do shit about it."

      Well, sure. You only say that because we've never, ever done anything about stuff like that before.
      - The GOP

      "2 possible solutions: divorce without alimony, armed revolution."
      You forgot Abject surrender and orderly lines for the boxcars!
      - The GOP

  3. "Trump Can Stop Biden from Funding Left-Wing Groups"

    Grammatical problem: can involves physical capability to do something. Trump is still alive and compos, so yes, he CAN stop it. He won't be able to, though, as the courts and bureaucracy will never allow it.

    1. You idiot. All your commies buddies will be in Gitmo before January 20th, 2021. and I already told the US Marshall's about you. Pack some underware.

  4. Everything obozo did was intended to have a payoff, and not for those whom the new program was intended to help. Like illegals getting planted all over the country, even thought they have no job, no income, and no way to pay their rent. Every new 'affordable low income' housing project will wind up just like the projects of years bygone: crime infested shitholes that destroy their cities and towns. All the while the favored get rich off the graft that always accompanies federal money.


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