
Friday, December 04, 2020

COVID-19 Lockdowns: Liberty and Science

The Chinese Coronavirus (COVID-19) hit American shores — officially, anyway, there is significant evidence that it arrived earlier — in late January 2020. The American public was then told that a two-week shutdown of the economy would “flatten the curve,” relieving the pressure on hospital intensive care units and saving lives in the long run. 


  1. Way earlier than Jan 2020.

    My daughter and high school marching band was scheduled to go to Disney in Florida the last week of December 2019. We were given warnings that there was an already heavier than normal flu season in Florida.

  2. Every flue lasts 7 days without medical treatment and one week with.

  3. I was in a rehab facility recovering from surgery in December '19. While I was there, an unknown respiratory bug swept through the place. Those of us under about 75 got kind of sick with aches and a cough for a few days/week. Those who were over 75, got hit hard, with lots being taken to the hospital and more than a few dying.

    1. Do some homework commie. The seasonal flu kills Americans every year. Do you know how many? No, you just want to make it sound like it was the Covid. Git the fuck out of our conservative comments.

    2. Rude, obnoxious, and anonymous. I would much rather have Fa Cube Itches here and you leave.

  4. My wife and I both caught a mysterious bug exactly one year ago today - 5 December 2019. Mine lasted about three days with an overall tired feeling for about another week. I thought it was just some weird flu that I had caught. My wife, however, was down for over two weeks and was having respiratory problems. I never went to the doctor and I got over mine okay. After 5 days, she was not getting better, so I took my wife in and they gave her a breathing treatment and an inhaler to take home. She then recovered in about another week or so.

    At the time, the doctor told us both that there was an odd upper respiratory bug going around that had similar symptoms to the flu, but was *not* the flu. (Of course, nobody had even heard of the Covid-19 at that time.)

    When the covid later became THE BIG STORY, I noticed that the symptoms of covid mostly matched what we both had. A couple of months later, when I was in for a checkup with my primary care physician, I described the symptoms my wife and I had and told her I thought we might have had the covid. She said a LOT of her patients had had a flu that was "not the flu" and that her and her colleagues believed the covid was in the country long before January 2020. I asked her about getting tested for the antibodies and she said "sure, for $150 bucks!" I told her I was curious, but not that curious.

    Well, fast forward to October. My wife was in for her wellness checkup and low and behold, they were doing covid antibody testing - for free! So, she got tested. Yep, she had had the covid.

    Now, get this. We both caught the bug on December 5th. (From where, we have no idea.) But since the time we both got over it, neither one of us has had ANY sickness. None - not even a summer cold.

    Make of that what you will.


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