
Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Good Morning



  1. Camo Cat.
    Are Tabby Cats generally people cats and particularly affectionate?
    Asking for myself.

    1. Cats are strange. I have an outdoor cat that was very standoffish. Right after my dog died, that cat became friendly. It's now at the point where I cannot walk in the yard without him being under my feet.

    2. Elmo, no evidence but my life experience, but yes, tabby cats are generally people cats and affectionate. Orange tabbies in particular.


    3. Thanks TOL. We just lost a little tabby that was my buddy. If the Mrs. gets another I'll insist it's a male tabby too.
      The guy that just died was the first cat she's ever had that I was crazy about. I can't believe how much I miss him and think about him.

  2. I often wondered the reason for that after I inherited a cat. It would spend minutes each day rubbing its head on my feet and ankles when I returned from work. It was long before the internet.

  3. Awwww...see, not all cats are assholes!

  4. I didn't think I liked cats until my daughter wanted one when she was about eight. That was the early 70's. I've had a cat and dog every since. I've found if you raise a kitten with a full grown dog the damn cat thinks it's half dog. Cats are cool. They will hunt and bring ya a mouse or something on occasion. Accept it. They are in their minds putting meat on the table and sharing.

    1. See, I've gone the other direction. I liked cats as a kid, but after my wife decided to try and breed Bengal Cats and Sokokes. The head rubbing thing is, they are marking you as their property with scent from glands around their eyes. That's not so bad, but the males piss on EVERYTHING in the ENTIRE house. They piss on your cloths in the closet, on the computer keyboard, in the potted plants, on the kitchen cabinets, I mean EVERYWHERE. The furniture is shredded and so is my patience. There will be no more cats in this house.


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