
Monday, December 14, 2020

I never could understand why anybody would do this shit

MAURY COUNTY, Tenn. (WKRN) — A Maury County man has been sentenced to one year in jail for lying about his military service record. 
Chris Williams, 59, was convicted Wednesday of forgery and stolen valor. 
Prosecutors said Williams lied about receiving a number of medals, including Purple Hearts, which he never actually received.


  1. You never could understand because you're a man and you have a life.
    Idiots crave stolen valor for the same reason they play video games.
    Those who can do, those who can't teach, the rest just make shit up.

    1. I hate hearing people misuse the "those who can't do, teach" adage. It means those who are too old to keep doing the work, but have the expertise to teach the next generation of warriors, workers, whatever, teach them the trade. It isn't an insult, it's a pathos.
      Matt in KY

  2. The offspring were asking about this very subject at breakfast yesterday. I dug out my DD214, and a copy of my DoD letter about the possibility of chemical weapon exposure during Gulf I.

    They asked me if I'd ever met one of these idiots; I told them no, but if I did, they'd be easy to spot, I think- there are too many tells that veterans know.

    I just cannot understand the impulse. I joined the army to go to Germany, so I could drink beer and screw German girls- heroic anything wasn't even a
    motive. Ending up in the VII Corp battle group was just sort of an inconvenient interruption of our drinking schedule.

    It must be hell, to be so insecure.

    1. I know what ya mean. I hit every cat house I could on the way to Nam and darn if I didn't have to hit them all again on the way home. The important stuff, ya know.

  3. Years ago, I’d watch some of those videos on stolen valor and they’d piss me off. Then, it seemed to me like it was kinda getting out of hand. Fuck these pretenders. They are not worth a second of my time. They are nothing more than another symptom of a diseased and broken society marching lockstep straight into hell. At this point, I’ll happily take my discount on large purchases at Lowe’s or Home Depot, but I don’t want to hear the most hollow phase ever coined, “Thank you for your service” so most of the time I keep my mouth shut. I joined because every man I knew as a kid that I had any respect for had served, my dad, my uncles, bosses, teachers, on and on. I stayed because I liked what I was doing and, as time went on, felt that I could teach shitbirds how to stay alive and be good leaders. At some point in every career, a man realizes that the “big picture” isn’t what he thought it was, and has to make a hard choice. For me, I choose to stay. Not because I believed the bullshit, but because I have seen the elephant and only two things I still gave a shit about was my family, to include a whole bunch of shitbirds wearing pickle suits, and some old manuscripts penned by some long dead men who I thought had a good idea. It’s a hell of a thing. Eod1sg Ret

  4. Disgusting vermin we have a lot of these wankers in South Africa The Ou Manne around the world would know.

  5. In 69 coming home from Nam we went I think to the PX and got the ribbons for our uniforms. All sorts a pretty ribbons to chose from. A brother apparently saw one he really liked bought it and wore it. Dumb son of a bitch was walking around a military base in Okinawa with the Congressional Medal of Honor. Never did see that sum bitch again.

    1. Congress has nothing to due with the Medal of Honor, as a vet myself it bugs me that a vet much less hollywierd keeps calling it that!!! grayman

  6. My grandfather told me when I was a kid to always wear a hat so I wouldn't cook my brain, so I got in the habit of wearing a hat. Felt naked when I didn't have one on. Years ago, when I began riding a motorcycle, I started wearing a beret. It was something I could roll up and tuck under a belt and have a hat to pop on when I swung off the bike. Being who I am, I had to decorate the beret, so I got a kilt pin in the shape of a claymore and pinned it through the flash. Over the years, that has been augmented with a Welsh dragon and an Irish harp.

    It's a black beret and I wear it reversed (flash over the wrong eye) because I have not earned the right to wear it in proper military style. None-the-less, about once a month, I get some well-intentioned person thanking me for my service. I politely thank them for the gesture while correcting them on my status. I cannot understand how anybody could live with themselves purposely impersonating a veteran.

    1. Once upon a time, in the dim past, the Army and the Navy had a contest to see which service could come up with the stupidest looking cover.

      The Navy thought they had it won with their white "dixie cup" hat. However, at the last minute, the Army produced the Beret and the contest was over.

  7. Shit like that is enough to piss off the Easter Bunny. And he's pretty hard to piss off.

  8. In all fairness, this clown should be given an opportunity to redeem his honor. Just leave a revolver with one round in his cell and tell him to do the right thing.


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