
Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Is AOC Looking To Take Out Chuck Schumer?

The rumor mill in New York politics isn’t always the most reliable, but this item has attracted enough attention from senior Democratic Party officials that there’s probably some basis to it. Word on the street is that Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has put out some feelers and is exploring the possibility of mounting a primary challenge against New York Senator Chuck Schumer. 


  1. Change one whacka doodle for another. Nothing good comes out of New York or LA for that matter.

  2. That hee-hawing, Dominic the Donkey fucking barmaid should skulk her bony ass back to whatever ghetto sewer she crawled out of. Schmucker is no prize either, but even he isn't as directly destructive as this silly little girl is.

    I live nearby, and have watched it it real time. It and it's 'squad' need to fucking go, not fail upward.

    1. Unfortunately, they and their ilk are the future of the Dem party and American politics in general. Worse, in a few years, they'll be considered the reactionaries who aren't woke/socialist enough.

  3. The cunt might have her district full of enough stupid people to get her elected, but state wide New Yorkers ain't gonna have it.

  4. Oh, please yes. Schumer is cagey, but he must be tired. She's so over the top that I think she'll eventually fall harder than Nate Robinson.

  5. She thinks she'll take Schumer's position. at best, she may get his seat, but in no way will she be the Minority Leader....

    1. Awful lot of "no way will he/she"'s have already come and gone. I'm done being shocked at how low they can go. Still think there's "no way"?

  6. she has nice boobs, only good thing I can say

    1. Provide photographic evidence, please

    2. That was the first thing that I noticed about her when she came onto the national stage. Now that I think of it, I noticed her ass, in her dance video also,but other than that, Pfft.
      As much as I hate Shumer, he is very effective. Plus he leaks like a sieve.


  7. Well, I'm tired of tripping over pics of shumer on the net. He looks like a diseased rat. Like any democrat is better than the other? let's have one that doesn't look like a diseased rat at least.

    1. That... would not be AOC. Looks as crazy as a shithouse rat.

    2. most Demonrat candidates/office holders, with a few exceptions, are not what most people would call good or even average looking. What was it some famous guy once said?

      Politics is theater for ugly people.


  8. Internecine (adj):
    1. mutually destructive
    2. relating to conflict within a group or collective

    "Internecine" is the word for today, kids. I want to see them both lose. Now, that won't happen, because Schumer will prevail, but I'll settle for the senior senator from New York going on the record attacking a woman, and a Latina to boot. I want the honorable Representative from NY14 to go on record attacking Schumer. It'll be an epic battle to the bottom of who has more victimhood points.

    1. You never know, without voting machines that can be run from China, maybe the vote will be honest and with that there's no telling where the outcome may go.

  9. I read a similar story a couple days ago, but that writer suggested that the twit with red lipstick may instead enter the 2024 pres primaries. What a hoot!!


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