
Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Jan. 17th, 2021: The LARGEST Armed Protest Ever To Take Place On American Soil Is Scheduled

The single largest protest advocating for the rights and freedoms of all people in the United States will be taking place. In every capitol in every US state and at the federal capitol in Washington DC, attendees are asked to arrive armed with signs, sound making devices, speeches planned and whatever attire makes their statement the most pronounced. 


Make what you want of it. Myself, I don't do big cities, protests or crowds.


  1. Yeaaaah. No Thank You.
    I just don’t see that as, Tactically “Productive”
    I’ll be there is spirit, in my backyard.

  2. I hope this turns out ok. I've a feeling it won't. Sounds like they are setting themselves up in a big way.

    1. Sounds like the makings of an Armed Protester-BLM-Antifa three-way.

      And what is the DC police going to do, besides disarm as many Armed Protesters as they can?

  3. Yea, more rallies, that’ll change things.

    1. Hey, when you combine that with VOATING HARDER!, it sure as hell will!

  4. Me either.

    But thanks for the heads up Kenny.

  5. I don't either, being a combat vet. But I also don't allow communist revolutions in my country, which is essentially what we let happen if election fraud on this scale is allowed to stand. So, I am torn.

    1. I don't DO crowds for anything. If you want to stop the commies, think Local and go Lone Wolf. Everywhere one might be, there are commies, most working in government.

    2. Ditto.
      This fraud will not be defeated by traditional military engagement. The battle is taking place in the hearts and minds of "the people". And in case you were in a coma for the last 5 years, this side is losing, horribly.
      Have you heard the rhetoric? Watched how Trump has been treated? Read what normies post to their blabber media sites? Trump is not positive in the hearts and minds of half this country. Regardless of what address he sends his mail from, he is not winning this fight, and the people blustering and thumping their chests talking about 1776 and Muh Constitution need to extricate their head from their rectum and start fighting.
      Unless you're willing to Morbark the 80 Million people who regurgitate orange-man-bad, this fight isn't going to be won kinetically. They are winning right now, haven't fired a shot.
      Go back to fondling your AR in the basement. They'll be coming to collect them pretty soon, with 1/3rd of the adults in this country spitting on you and cheering them on!

      Grok that, as fast as you possibly can.

  6. Me either. Complete waste of time. The only protest that affected anything was against the Vietnam war and that actually prolonged it.

  7. Might want to send a platoon or two over to the Roberts residence, just for good measure.

    1. "a platoon or two"

      The entirety of the Right's military strength? That might be overdoing it a bit. And where would the Right even begin to find a second platoon?

  8. Do we get to burn, loot and murder like all the other " peaceful protests " ?
    If so I'm in

  9. Didn't Trump call for MAGA to show up in DC on the 6th?

  10. Didn't literally, albeit barely, dozens of people show up the last time someone scheduled an armed protest?


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