
Thursday, December 17, 2020

Next NYC shutdown could happen after Christmas, says de Blasio

NEW YORK - Another shutdown of non-essential businesses in New York City could happen after Christmas in an effort to control the second wave of the coronavirus pandemic, announced Mayor Bill de Blasio Tuesday.


  1. Shouldn't we finish the shutdown we already have, before we get another one?

  2. You Yankees voted for this piece of shit - live with it. My give a damn is broken.

  3. Here’s a pro tip: stop voting for these dumbasses.

    1. They are going to stop voting for them there. They are moving to your town so they can vote for them locally!

  4. Jusssst keep moving those goalposts.

  5. These stupid dumbass New Yawkers voted for the commie DeBlowMeOh and this is what they get, good & hard. Personally, I don't care a whit about anything or anyone in NYC as they made their bed, they get to bend over in it. I do find a bit of schadenfreude humor in watching it happen, as long as they do not flee to Texas to repeat the errors of their ways. They should flee to Vermont or New Hampshire.

    1. "as long as they do not flee to Texas to repeat the errors of their ways."

      Nah, we got Texas.
      - California expats

    2. Austin, Dallas. Fa it is a true shame can't wait for the dirt people to rise up.

    3. And we are going to take all you commie fuckers out of Texas. Just give us a little time to figure out how the lone wolf thing works so we don't get caught.
      All you CA commies will be found in shallow graves or in a pile of ashes. Ashes is easier than digging holes, with the drought going on and all. It might take us six months, but we know who you are and where you live and work. Now it is just coordination with the flow.

  6. NYC wants communism, let NYC have communism

  7. The damnyankees come down here to Florida, and they're aghast that we're not wearing masks, and going out to bars and restaurants. They tell us how terribly selfish we are by doing that.

    I-95 has northbound lanes, assholes!

  8. I'm in NYC (technically) and on Staten Island. Please understand that NOT all of NYC voted for that Commie prick. Staten Island just voted in a Republican congresswoman, has City Council reps that are GOP, judges are almost all GOP, etc. We had a secession movement a number of years ago, and don't be surprised if it comes up again.


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