
Thursday, December 10, 2020

No more raging forest fires either



  1. That photo reminds me of the cover of a Sierra Club newsletter 30+ years ago. It showed a huge clear cut and included text decrying the logging of National Forests in the U.S.
    There was just one problem. The photo they used came from Canada. And they knew it.


  2. They will grow back. Even in a lifetime they will grow back and can be harvested again.

  3. That's the cleanest clear cut that I've ever seen - pretty much parked out. That would have been an easy replant - cake walk. Most units are slash covered nightmares. (40yrs ago) Spent 10yrs planting trees and fighting fire from N.Cal to the Canadian border and from the Olympic Peninsula to Wyoming.
    Planted over 1 million trees in 8 yrs. Now I'm a gimpy old fart with more metal in me than most hardware stores, woods work really takes it's toll.

    1. Mr. Anon: You know what they say: Hard work never killed anybody. Said somebody who never did any.

    2. Still beats spending the day in a damn office.


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