
Thursday, December 17, 2020

'nother one down

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — A California man sentenced to death for the 1995 torture slaying of an Orange County teenager died early Monday of unknown causes, prison officials said. 

Noel Jesse Plata, 45, was found unresponsive in his cell at San Quentin State Prison before 4 a.m. and pronounced dead about a half-hour later despite employee's attempt at life-saving measures and outside medical assistance, they said. 


  1. 25 years too late. Or 26 years too late, take your pick.

  2. Why the fuck would you do CPR to save someone on death row?

  3. I don't understand. I was just standing on his neck having a nice chat an the sum bitch died.

  4. Probably voted for Biden multiple times and had to be eradicated.

  5. He was probably collecting uneployment checks as well.

  6. Sounds Like that funny Kind of seizure, where the inmates head is found wedged behind a toilet...


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