
Thursday, December 17, 2020

Only Then

There is a lot to be said for court cases and Constitutional law. It's an interesting show, since television has been largely irrelevant for years, many of us refusing to watch it. I don't know how one can. What little I have seen of television lately, it's not so much the shows themselves, but the commercials that I can't tolerate for their promotion of BLM, a Marxist organization. A few rounds of such commercials and whatever I had been watching just isn't worth the tradeoff. For entertainment, there are always books, movies (no commercials) cleaning tools, etc. 

I hope the reader understands that the court cases and Constitutional law are as relevant as a modern television commercial. The only power that will restore or replace the society we once lived in is the power of the people. This is a crucial moment in time when there are somewhere between 75 and 80 million people who recognize the delicacy of our republic. Without one law being passed in the legislature, governors and mayors have held us all captive to insane restrictions for almost a year now. A year when the middle class has been all but eliminated. The crowning achievement of capitalism, small businesses, have been decimated, not just reduced, but destroyed.


  1. Worked for me. Great write up, but preaching to the choir here.

    1. Yeah, the dumbfuck advertisers throwing out all kinds of 'whitey bad' messages and still-I guess-expecting us to buy their product? Ain't gonna happen, at least with my dollars.

  2. Agreed about the choir but I'm posting the link elsewhere to spread that message.

  3. Listen to me. I take no joy in saying it: Biden will be sworn in on Jan 20th.
    Get your head around that. They are not backing down. You will have to fight if you want to keep this country.

  4. TV advertising is the same on this side of the lake: presenting the mixed-race family with two smiling parents as the norm. In reality - AFAIR - less than 8% of UK marriages are mixed race and the number of mixed race children brought up by one parent probably hasn't been calculated.

    1. Everything in all mass consumed media has been promoting the destruction of White Christians, since the very beginning of it. People need to start asking why, now that the what is beyond dispute.

  5. Every level of the government is hopelessly corrupt. If we replace it with something better, I hope people remember how unpopular the constitution was with the revolutionaries. How it didn't even help the republic survive a hundred years. How the first man on Mt. Rushmore argued against it. And why it took 18 years to ratify against the publics wishes.

    Bring back the Articles of Confederation and remember all of the areas the constitution failed. Just like the anti-federalists said it would.

  6. T. L. Davis. He quit blogging but sends out his email. His documentary "Lies of omission" is on amazon and wants to make more. A true American Patriot treasure.


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