
Thursday, December 24, 2020

Republicans refuse to give Trump the $2,000 relief checks he demanded

House Republicans will stop President Donald Trump's demand for $2,000 relief checks, saying they won't support Speaker Nancy Pelosi's Christmas Eve proposal to get more money to Americans struggling in the coronavirus pandemic. 

House GOP Leader Kevin McCarthy told his fellow Republicans on a conference call Wednesday that the unanimous consent request Pelosi plans for the $2,000 checks will not go through. 

He called the speaker's move a 'stunt' and said Republicans would work on their own proposal regarding relief checks.


  1. ...and so after months of dithering Nasty Piglosi gives The People back "the crumbs" from Trump tax cuts. But she gives MILLIONS to Pakistan for "gender education". Pakistan, where they throw queers off of the tallest buildings they can find and stone young people to death for having sex. Pakistan, you know, that country that harbored Bin Laden for TEN YEARS while taking millions in "foreign aid" EVERY YEAR that Bin Laden lived there. Then there's the MILLIONS for Venezuela that is supposed to be used to feed their people, but will go right into Maduro's pocket. How about the MILLIONS for Jordan so that Jordan CAN BUILD A WALL TO KEEP OUT SYRIAN illegal aliens and the list goes on...

    On another note - Merry Christmas everyone.


    1. One has to wonder how many of those aid packages have Hunter as 'facilitator"?

  2. When you vote to pass out free money, you lose your soul and you abandon forever any semblance of moral or fiscal integrity.' Rand Paul
    That ship sailed a long fucking time ago. Its a race to the bottom and these fuckers are playing supermarket sweep with kickbacks and grift. Nothing changes until.....yea, you know, the thing.

  3. I believe they won't agree to the unamimous consent forcing the dems back to D.C. and make them vote.

    Afterall, the bitch held everything up before the election.

    Besides that she won't remove any of the foreign aid giveaway that Trump wants removed and redirected to the American people.

    Merry Christmas to all.

    De Oppresso Liber

  4. Man, I wish there was a law that required this to be dealt with before the election.

  5. Hear that noise? It's me burning my voter registration card.

    1. That should reduce your chances of getting jury duty also. My state requires a form filled out with all kinds of personal information in order to have my voter's registration revoked. Will be sending the sucker in once Dirty Old Joe is sworn in.

  6. We should be joyous for $600! (((Our Greatest Ally))) need 500 million of our tax (and recently created out of nothing) dollars more than we do!

    1. Do you lay awake at night thinking about how much you hate Jews?

    2. Are you saying you support 500 million to Israel?

    3. No. But I also don't support giving Covid relief money to anybody outside the United States, not just Israel.

    4. Writing as a Zionist Jew, I am appalled at the pork, whether to Israel or anywhere else.

      And in the long term I want Israel off the American dole. For two reasons:

      1. It creates a sore point for people who are disinclined towards Jews anyway.
      2. It makes Israel a client state of the US.

      The one "sticky point" - this grant not factored in - was that some of the aid given to Israel was essentially a bribe from the US to hand back the Sinai to Egypt. How to handle that, and drop it to zero too, I don't know.

      NB: my blog is no more. Hopefully resurrecting in a couple of weeks under a new URL.

    5. Other than the terrorist attack on the USS Liberty, the thing that turned me against Israel happened several years ago.

      I was listening to the radio one fine December afternoon. The news had a story about how the congress was cutting heating oil assistance to several northern states by x amount of money because deficit and debt or something. Very next story was how the congress had passed emergency aid to Israel for the x amount of dollars they had just cut in heating assistance.

      Now I enjoy the thought of Yankees freezing to death as much as anyone, but they are at least, nominally Americans. Cutting aid to Americans while shipping it to Israel opened my eyes about how corrupt the US congress is and how much control Israel has over it.

    6. I don't hate Jews. I'm just tired of my own government giving everything to them while saying "Fuck you" to Americans.

  7. Not that it will do much good, BUT I have emailed, called and even opened twitter to tell each and every rep and senator from Ohio that the bill is horrible and that they vote for it at their own peril.

  8. In all my days I have never seen so many elected representatives with their heads so far up their (sand holes). Since there seems no intent for any of them to voluntarily remove their heads, We the People should take the job, at no cost. Guillotine! Guillotine!

  9. It stopped being a representative government long ago. Nothing in this bill represents how i envision our government working, nothing that I have seen anyway.

    the Jewish leadership and jewish nation wrongly persecuted Jesus then forced the Romans to crucify him. the Old Testament is the Jewish bible, its Gods promise to the NATION OF ISRAEL that he will do his part if THEY DO THEIRS. They reneged on the deal over and over throughout recorded history. Thats why it’s recorded over and over God doing a smack down to the NATION OF ISRAEL every 300 to 500 years. After Jesus, that all changed because of THE NEW COVENANT that Jesus ushered in. The jewish nation to this day does not believe Jesus is the SON OF GOD. So do I stay up at night thinking about how much I hate jews? Nope. I do not waste my time and energy on them they are not worth it. Do I include the nation of Israel in my prayers? I most certainly do. Hate is a negative draw on our energy, it only leads to the darkness. I like the light, and Jesus is the light and the way.

    Merry Christmas you sons of bitches!!! Spicy times bitches, spicy!!!!!


    Mr. Lane, blessings to you and your family, I love you brother.

    1. "representative government" HAHAHA good one. Long ago is right. I can count on one hand the solid members of Congress.

  10. All I see of this bill is the GOP caving to Pelosi again.

    1. He who caves and runs away, lives to cave another day!
      - The GOP

  11. I'm seeing a lot of money for those involved in the Abraham accords. You can never buy peace. You only rent it and the rent always goes up. More stick less carrot for those that don't play well with others.

    1. Very true.

      One must also understand that Jew hate is hard-coded in the Koran. That doesn't go away.

  12. Much simpler solution for me....

    Let ME borrow at the interbank interest rate from the fed to cover mortgage arrears, not the BS 2 middle man system that's in place.

    While you're at it, maybe I wouldn't ask for that at all if the Governor, Mayor, and Falsi would STFU and let people go back to work and stop turning off whole industries.

    Lockdowns are for inmates.
    Quarantines are for sick people.

    Most of us are neither. They can put up, shut up, or hang up as far as I'm concerned.


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