
Thursday, December 24, 2020

Sure, uh-huh, you bet

The two coronavirus vaccines that have been approved for emergency use authorization in the U.S. will be able to combat a new, more contagious strain of the virus in the U.K., experts said Monday. 


Kinda funny how that doesn't work with a flu shot but does for the Corona virus.


  1. A flu that to know you have it you need a test, cured by a vaccine that works 95 percent of the time, and will not keep you from catching it?

    I think I will pass. And if required will not obey. Face diapers are my limit.

  2. I give it about a week before they say "nope, vaccine doesn't work on the new strains, restart the lockdowns"

    right now there are enough people with nothing left to lose. that's a dangerous spot for a socialist to be standing.

    1. "... and we need more funding to develop another vaccine."

  3. I can't wait to take a vaccine that will protect me from a disease that has a 99.9% survival rate. I wonder how they will gauge its efficacy? Maybe it will boost the survival rate to 99.91%

  4. PLEASE STOP the rumor mongering. The "70% more contagious" RUMOR is BULLSHIT! "According to the BBC, Johnson’s assertion that the new variant “may be up to 70% more transmissible,” was based on the information discussed the day prior by the UK government’s New and Emerging Respiratory Virus Threats Advisory Group, or NERVTAG. Yet, as the BBC notes, this figure apparently comes from a single source, a 10 minute presentation delivered by Dr. Erik Volz of Imperial College given last Friday, the same day as the NERVTAG meeting."

  5. As fittycal said.
    This new strain is made from the same bullshit the first one is from.
    Keep calm and carry on.

    1. Brilliant. I had forgot the old advice from the masters and their wives.
      Keep Calm and Carry On.

    2. In Texas it's "Keep calm and carry one (firearm)."

  6. I like the Dave Brubeck version.
    Keep calm and "Take Five".

  7. Keep in mind folks that this vaccine is far different from all other vaccines we have taken. This vaccine enters your cells and alters your DNA. The earlier vaccines used killed viruses to introduce your body to the virus and confer immunity. Personally, I don't want my DNA screwed with at all. And who knows what else comes with this vaccine? Looks like a large amount of fluid going into the body from those shots. Might have something to do with Bill Gates plans for all people in this world.

    1. Remember when we were little kids and most of us got the mumps? Then 60 years later some of us started getting shingles due to some kind of residual from the mumps that has been lurking in our bodies for all those years. How many decades will the rona vax hang on and what will it unexpectedly do in later years? Might give new meaning to 'unintended consequences'. Someone can have my place in line.

    2. Shingles is from chicken pox. You have to have had chicken pox as a child to get shingles as an adult. Since, due to vaccination, kids don't get chicken pox any more we can expect shingles to die out too.
      Since kids get vaccinated now they don't get mumps any more either, along with a lot of other diseases that used to sicken and kill kids.

    3. I am a retired pharmacist. When started practicing shingles was quite rare. It was only after the varicella vaccine was introduced that shingles became common.


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