
Thursday, December 17, 2020

Talk about determined...

SAN FERNANDO, Mexico — Miriam Rodríguez clutched a pistol in her purse as she ran past the morning crowds on the bridge to Texas. She stopped every few minutes to catch her breath and study the photo of her next target: the florist. 

She had been hunting him for a year, stalking him online, interrogating the criminals he worked with, even befriending unwitting relatives for tips on his whereabouts. Now she finally had one — a widow called to tell her that he was peddling flowers on the border.


  1. NY Slimes publishes stuff like this, yet supports Obiden and open borders?

    1. Of course. There is zero inconsistency. NYT will whip up sympathy for the plight of the ordinary Mexican, then tell us the reason they suffer from all this crime is because of oppression by the US, economic colonization, white nationalism, and racism. Then they will tell us that the solution to Mexico's problems is open borders with the US.

      Remember, NYT publisher Arthur Ochs Sulzberger says "If white men were not complaining, it would be an indication we weren't succeeding and making the inroads that we are." If you look at a photo of AOS, who looks pretty pale of skin, you might wonder why he'd say such a thing. But Sulzberger is white only when it suits his purposes.

    2. It was just a mundane that got snuffed, not a person of quality.

    3. Carlos Slim, born of Lebanese parents in Mexico, is part owner of NYT (and is also one of the 10 richest in the world). One has to wonder why a person such as he cannot/will not try to straighten Mexico out. For that matter, one has to wonder which side he is on.

  2. Wow what a gut wrenching story. This happens all the time and our government does squat about it

  3. So sad, can't they find the headquarters of these cartels and just nuke them. I don't understand why governments don't do anything about these cartels.

    1. Nobody fucks with the CIA and DEA side business

    2. Because too many people in positions of power are making too much money off of them, and they also create a lot of employment downstream, too.

  4. Starting January this no longer can happen: responsible gun owners will have their guns taken away and will be given to the thugs.

  5. Our future once Xiden and his controllers Venezuela us.

  6. Man I hit a HARD paywall at that link. Would have LOVED to read this thing but....

  7. I despise, detest, and TOTALLY distrust the NYT (and its little dog, WaPoo, too!)

  8. IT would probably be a good story, if true - but it's in the NYT, so by default, it isn't. I could read it, and make a decision about it for myself, and maybe even be impressed by the journalism, but it's behind a paywall that would require I give some of my hard-earned money to an organization like the NYT, so.... it isn't true. Not a word of it.


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