
Wednesday, December 23, 2020

The Disappointment Grows And Reality Needs To Be Faced

A Rally with strong words and catch phrases isn’t going to save our Republic. Sending emails asking for donations and that you need our help isn’t going to save our Republic. Calling people liars on Twitter isn’t going to save our Republic. Asking people to vote in a rigged election in hopes that the Republicans can retain the Senate, isn’t going to save our Republic. I could probably continue to list things, but you get the idea. 

Is this it? Is this all President Trump has? Saying be there and be WILD, isn’t going to stop TPTB from reading the Electoral College Ballots and anointing Joe Biden the Presidency. Is this all Trump has? So far it looks as if he has no intention of executing his executive order or invoking the insurrection act. I grow more and more disappointed with each passing day. It should be obvious by now that this will not and cannot be won in the courts. They won’t even hear the cases. It is also very depressing to keep hearing from people, “What can we do?”


  1. You know, if not a single republican will defend him, I don't blame him for saying screw it, let 'em have this coming shithole with the radical moslem POS running things again with a couple cardboard cutouts on display in the Oval office.

    It is down to divorce without alimony or armed revolution which won't happen if the military isn't on board.

  2. I need a word for the opposite of 'election'.

    And no fair saying 'that phase of this coup' instead of 'elections 2020'.


    1. How about 'selection' as in "This president wasn't elected, he was selected."

    2. You're right Wirecutter, and the really important thing to understand is WHO selected both Biden and Harris. They're both mere placeholders. Seems to me Obama has a lot to do with it, along with his buddy Soros, and of course, the Clintons.
      The wild card is what "others" will do in reaction to the happenings in the U.S. Would this not be an excellent time for a sneak attack, whether it's the Chinese or (God help us) those referred to by the estemed Israeli scientist and government space security director Eshed in his new book.

    3. A question: If the "President-elect" is unavailable to be sworn in on Jan 06 (never mind why), what happens? Does everybody move over a chair (President Harris, grrkkh), or does it go to the next presidential candidate with the most votes? Or something else, like Speaker of the house gets to pick, as has been discussed in the past?

  3. Dont bet against Trump. It aint over yet

  4. Some people just need killing, it may come down to just that...

    1. Sweet Jesus you're so right.

      The "elite" of this planet have been inordinately concerned with the world being over populated, I feel duty bound to do their part in eliminating this virus upon the Earth called humans.
      The introductiommn of rule 308 should commence forthwith!

    2. “These people are playing with matches… I don’t think they understand the scope and scale of the wildfire they are flirting with. They are fucking around with a civil war that could last a decade and cause millions of deaths… and the sad truth is that 95% of the problems we have in this country could be solved tomorrow, by noon… simply by dragging 100 people out in the street and shooting them in the fucking head.”

  5. I'm not going to put in print here what I think needs to be done but I think you can figure it out

  6. I've heard the phrase, Not my President quite a bit. I believe the new, revised version of that comment will be Not a president.

  7. Yawning and thinking FUCK IT, as I run another swab down the barrel .


  8. I'll be in DC on 1/6. I'll let you doomers and keyboard warriors know what I see on that important day.

    - Mike G.

  9. The "Insurrection Act" nonsense never even rose to the level of a pipe dream. It was even dumber than the lawsuits, which such a long shot as to make Pickett's Charge look like a sure thing.

  10. It's a damn shame that it has come to this. Normally peaceful people have been reduced to considering becoming radicalized and armed rebels, to attempt to take back what has been stolen from the American people, by a group of leftists, who are actually socialists with a different name. Growing up, I was kind of advanced both mentally and emotionally for my age, and I never considered this possibility for the country. I assumed that we would simply always exist following the same set of rules about freedom and our rights as we always had.
    It has been the second half of my 60 years that we started down this slope towards self destruction. At this point, I don't think that Trump proving he actually won, and staying in office would make a difference. So many Republicans have come out and shown their true colors against him, that he would effectively be neutered.
    Hopefully, the Republicans can hold onto the Senate, and give the conservatives a chance in 2024 to run a candidate who is an actual believer in the entire constitution, including all of the bill of rights. Trump, for the many good things that he accomplished, was not a great friend of the bill of rights,and of gun owners in particular. And of course,people like Paul Ryan and others were a huge problem, and didn't allow any votes on legislation that would have helped gun owners.
    The swamp is alive and well, and behold,it is made up of both Republicans and Democrats. I don't think that surprised anyone.


    1. My dear pigpen... 'uge Dead fan here brother...
      After the ham fisted theft of the 2020 Presidential Election resulted in ZERO hanging deaths for the perpetraitors, do you honestly think they will ever lose another election?
      They already are counting more votes than voters. No Sir, they are rubbing our noses in it like a disobedient dog. Ghat'll teach 'em to ever vote for an outsider again.
      It was bad before (establishment candidate A or B isn't much of an election choice), but you can expect unopposed elections for several reasons. Many will simply not participate in the charade formerly known as free and fair elections.

    2. Since the State of Georgia, knowing the names and addresses of the thousands that 'double voted' and doing nothing about it; the Senate is gone.

      Any serious discussion about where we go from here will not be in the open, on the internet, or involving any electronic communications.
      But one thing. Few people are mobilized now because not much has changed yet. But when the knock on the door comes and the grim faced police are there in numbers to collect your weapons because Sleepy Joe or Cameltoe Harris has signed an Executive Order; that'll be change. When the same or different uniforms knock on the door to collect your children because Home Schooling has been banned for ... ditto.

      But we aren't going to talk about what happens next here.

  11. "Asking people to vote in a rigged election" that's the only way we caught the last rigged election. we blew out the vote switching machines so they had a 300%+ voter participation.

    the way they win and we can't figure it out is when we don't participate. they get to vote for you and you can't complain about it.

  12. When Washington crossed the Delaware that fateful night, he had reached the end, it was either take the last chance and live in freedom, or submit and live as slaves. I believe come Jan 21st 2021 we will have reached that very same point. Die in freedom or die as slaves, either way none of us will get out of this alive, nor will our children, nor theirs. But at the very least, we owe it to them to have the opportunity to participate in the most free, most prosperous country that has ever been devised. Fight like you are already dead. We've nothing else to lose....


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