
Friday, December 11, 2020

U.S. Supreme Court Rejects Texas’ Lawsuit Seeking to Block Four Swing State Electors from Voting for President

The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday rejected the state of Texas’ lawsuit seeking to overturn presidential election results in four key swing states. 

“The State of Texas’s motion for leave to file a bill of complaint is denied for lack of standing under Article III of the Constitution,” the nation’s highest court ruled in a decision released Friday eveninf. “Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another State conducts its elections. All other pending motions are dismissed as moot.” 

The decision means the Electoral College is likely to vote Monday to confirm presumptive President-elect Joe Biden will be the next president of the United States.


  1. This was the final realistic chance for a peaceful resolution to this crime. We have reached the final crossroad. Accept the stealing by the left and submit to Communism or sack up, step off the porch and go hunting. Short of Trump declaring martial law....which realistically isn't going to happen... there is no stopping the criminal left.

  2. The Supreme Court is correct. Texas does not have standing concerning laws and legislative actions conducted by another state. Taken to extreme, any state could ask the US Supreme Court to rule on the constitutionality of any law of any other state. We wanted another decision, but we did not get it.

    1. Consider another extreme; just about any case could be dismissed by lack of standing.

    2. *If* another state committed fraud in their election, it certainly affects other states. If a fair election (for example) would have resulted in a Trump win, and an unfair election (for example) would have put Biden in, disenfranchising a bazillion votes from a state attempting to defraud all the other states of the proper election result is a perfectly valid thing to do.

    3. I disagree. If those other states violate both the US Constitution and their own constitution in a Presidential election, and in a manner to directly affect said election, Texas does have standing.

      I think the scotus would rather have conservatives mad at them rather than the liberals. Or their families have been threatened, or they have been bought.

      I'm leaning towards they are just cowards.

    4. Pennsylvania altered their election process via legislation rather than the REQUIRED amending of their state constitution. That act allowed for voting in a manner that violated that constitution. The results of that illegal voting would allow Biden to become POTUS. THAT outcome will have a direct and proveable affect on Texas and the other states that joined the suit. THAT gives ALL those states "standing". If the voting ONLY involved Pennsylvania political offices then Texas wouldn't have standing. By this was a FEDERAL election with NATIONAL consequences. That means EVERY state is affected by the actions of other states. Thus they DO have standing to sue if a state violated its own constitution to change an election with NATIONAL consequences. The SCOTUS was just too cowardly to deal with this issue. They "punted"...kicked the can into someone else's backyard in hopes they won't have to be involved. And it also proves that rule of law is DEAD in America. The courts are in bed with the commie left and their actions state quite clearly that they have NO PROBLEM allowing blatant fraud to alter election outcomes. This now means the courts cease being courts and become pointless rubber stamps for the commie left.

    5. Sgt. Bob is zactly correct. I have had my doubts about being played because those lawyers knew this so yes were were played. I always felt the courts would roll over but these jokers made it easy for them filing a case they knew the scrotum could deny from the get go.

  3. Insurrection act is still on the table for the states failure to address their own evidence of corruption.

  4. Get ahold of yourselves. This was one suit - a large suit, yes, but only one - and there are still many others still in play. There are also several E.O. in play plus the already mentioned Insurrection Act. I do not pretend to know how this will all end up but it is far from over. Have a bit more patience.

    Its anyone's guess what will happen between now and Jan. 03 (seating of New Congress) [GA has a run-off election for their two Senators on Jan 05]; and Jan. 20th.

  5. I rather suppose John McClain is smiling and waiting for the day when John Roberts descends to his permanent place in eternity and pays him a visit.

  6. I'm thinking Trump is letting every possible remedy be tried, knowing full well in advance they would be derailed by our enemies. So when he invokes the Insurrection Act by then everyone will know the full extent of rot in our system and understand there never was any other way to root it out.

  7. Cowards!

    De Oppresso Liber

  8. The coup is complete.

    Thanks for attending the show.

    Be sure to pay your tab on April 15th.

    Now exit the building quietly.

  9. President Trump should have declassified all the info from the Russiagate scandal last year or earlier this year. At this point, he has been as neutered as most of the other Patriots in this country.
    Even if he were to declare Martial Law or invoke the Insurrection act, does anyone really believe the rest of the Gov will support or implement it? Most of the Repubs are so deeply involved in decades of Gov malfeasance they are not even fighting for what is right and what EVERY true American should be fighting for.
    It appears we are running out of boxes to resolve this issue and as Dan said "The SCOTUS was just too cowardly to deal with this issue. They "punted"...kicked the can into someone else's backyard in hopes they won't have to be involved", well they WILL be involved whether they like it or not.
    In a true and just world, several traitors should be hanging from trees, lampposts and freeway overpasses with a big signed reading TRAITOR nailed to their chests.
    American patriots will do what we have done for generations...kill Commies and Fascists wherever they may be found.

  10. And come Monday night at midnight - it's on.

  11. President Trump still has his "Trump card" and that's to declare a national emergency and martial law. He can do this for six months and CON-gress can't do a damn thing about it. We'll see.

  12. Election fraud. Trump haters:

    Trump has only ONE chance left - invoke the national security option and initiate mass arrests.
    Either way all hell is going to break loose.


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