
Monday, December 21, 2020

Us white folks don't want that shit anyways

Every US state has been advised to consider ethnic minorities as a critical and vulnerable group in their vaccine distribution plans, according to Centers for Disease Control guidance. 

As a result, half of the nation's states have outlined plans that now prioritize black, Hispanic and indigenous residents over white people in some way, as the vaccine rollout begins. 


  1. Guess we will just have a bunch of brown and black zombies that can't reproduce running around that we can use for target practice!

  2. I'll be glad to help. They can have my doses.
    -Elmo, because that's the kind of guy I am.

  3. So, they'll be the only people allowed to move around?

  4. And when deaths from reactions soar we will be racists.

    1. Makes you wonder if it is on purpose to accelerate the reset.

  5. I'm all for this. Let Liberals go ahead of me too.

    I denounce myself.

  6. As long as some nutcase doesn't get on tv and thank them for testing it for everyone, I don't care because I won't be getting in anyhow.

  7. While I agree that I don't want it, someone needs to sue based on race discrimination. If this is allowed to stand, the next discrimination against whites could be something we do care about.

  8. Maybe there will be some, ahem, "beneficial" unintended consequences to this policy.

  9. Wait, wait...

    Dats RAYCISS!!!!

  10. Sounds rayciss to me, but then maybe they're using the colored folk as guinea pigs. Wouldn't be the first time!
    In any case, I'm not getting the shot(s).

  11. I have seen no evidence of minorities being more suseptible to the virus than whyte pepo (as famous blogger puts it). The reason why minority infections are higher are they do not practice social distancing measures and often ignore the protocol which reduces Covid infections.

    1. "Wypipo". the guy who runs The Root is a racist of the first water and a dipshit fool, to boot.

  12. They are pushing this idea hard in Ohio. The ohio dept of health and gov dewhine run ads for testing and wearing masks, almost every single ad pictures a person of color.

    1. True dat, Charlie. Ohio Guy

    2. HAH.... Every single ad nowadays has a "person of color" featured in it.... a handsome muscular intelligent black dude with white wife/girl friend/bed partner whose white brother/friend/neighbor is an idiot, a wimpy uneducated dunce. white males are being written out of existence.

    3. In the vein, Bob...

      During the kerfuffle over Gillette's wokescold commercial last year what caught my eye about it, that I never saw mentioned in any of the coverage, was that in every scenario it was the black guy who was the paragon of virtue and proper behavior.

      The example that sticks in my mind is when the good-looking woman walks by a salt-and-pepper pair of males. Salt smiles and gets a WOW! look in his eyes then steps off the curb to follow and speak to her. Pepper grabs his arm and says, "Not cool, man."

      Firstly, you see the example I mentioned. Secondly, how the holy hell is the human race to propagate if it's "not cool" for a man to approach a woman who's caught his eye?

  13. If they didn't get it first they would be bitching. If they die they will be bitchin. There is no win cuz all they want to do is bitch. I hope the shit eradicates porch monkeys.

    1. Once they are all dead they won't be bichin, just votin.

  14. Anyone notice that there has been no regular "flu" this year?? Think the powers in charge are calling the flu the Corona Virus?? All hospitals are paid 125% of the medicare rate for anything Corona related. There has not been a single shipment of Tamiflu this year. This is a scam and the power mongers will do everything to keep it in play.

  15. They can have my dose too ... merrrrrry christmassss~!

  16. It won't help to prioritize minorities for Cootie shots. I mean, they still complain about all those syphilis and LSD experiments back in the '50's and '60's....

  17. The government's offering free medicine with a preference to blacks and other minorities? Where do I sign up?

  18. Considering the problems encountered so far I'd say that's a plus for white folks.

  19. All I can say is, "Tuskegee"...


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