
Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Waffle House CEO reveals no evidence of coronavirus spread from 2,000+ locations

There have been zero links to coronavirus spread across any of Waffle House’s 2,100 U.S. locations, according to the breakfast chain’s CEO Walter Ehmer. 

Since the science doesn’t match up with how state officials are responding, by closing dining rooms and restricting restaurants, Ehmer told Fox News' “America’s News HQ” that the American people are just being unnecessarily harmed.


In all fairness, no virus can survive that environment.


  1. No shit. We KNOW asymptomatic people can't spread it (or any other respiratory disease). And symptomatic people are unlikely to be at a Waffle House. If people can't wake up to this being a globalist plot, there is no help for them.

    1. It's WWII and not only do the vast majority of Americans get their news from Tokyo Rose, they get PISSED if you even suggest turning off the radio.

      God help me, I know civil wars are bloody disastrous things, but I'm looking forward to this next one.

  2. Man that's the truth, some of the best and worst breakfasts I've had was at 3am in a Waffle House..

  3. Yeah I agree about Waffle House's environment, but where are ya gonna get grub at 2am in the morning?

  4. WH is anti-2A. Corporate requirement down through the individual locations. WH sees absolutely no money from me.
    They could be the safest place in the US, I choose elsewhere.

  5. That settles the science...Awful Waffle grease kills the Rona.

  6. That is a good thing. Me and my daughter have been to Waffle House nearly every Saturday morning for the past 4 months. Excepting the time Lil Andy had them shut down. After her mama's stroke it is a little piece of stability for her. She thinks we are "just fishing".

  7. One year when we lived in Tennessee we came down to Georgia to visit with our son and his family for Christmas. The malignant sociopath he was married to at the time hadn't bothered to furnish anything to eat. Out of hunger, we finally bailed. Our son was shocked, shocked at us leaving early. Being Christmas Day, Waffle House was the only thing open. They were crowded and the staff was having a hell of a good time making people happy. By the way, I just got a copy of Hopper's "Nighthawks" to replace my "Dark Side of the Moon". Reminds me of some of those five AM visits.

    1. Didn't your son acknowledge the fact his wife fucked up, or did it on purpose?

  8. So the diabeetus makes you immune from the virus. Good to know.

    1. I doubt diabetes makes you immune to anything. But I have read that people with High Blood Pressure are covid targets. And here is why. The common big pharma poison for high blood pressure are ACE inhibitors. And so when your body is weakened by the ACE inhibitors, the covid attacks. But when one is taking herbal (Fuck you big pharma) for their high blood pressure, covid doesn't have a chance.
      It's a double bloody nose for the globalist scum.


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